A pedigree, by the way, is strictly speaking an ancestral record – a written or memorized family history. It is not the same as ‘purebred’ though the two terms are often used interchangeably. For much of the history we have shared, this selective breeding practice has little harm to our...
Earwig Facts, Interesting Myths, and Natural Pest Control 40 Interesting Gharial Facts: Weird Crocodile Relatives Gibbons: Interesting Facts About Vocal and Endangered Apes The Maned Wolf: Interesting Facts About a Unique Animal
Many feline breeds enjoy human companyso much that we call them clingy. They want to be a part of the action and are saddened without attention. Selective breeding may have encouraged this behavior, much to pet owners’ delight. It’s important to understand your cat’s needs and deliver th...
According toSusan Schoenian, a sheep and goat specialist at the University of Maryland's Western Maryland Research & Education Center, it is estimated that there aremore than 10,000 distinct breedsofdomestic sheep(Ovis aries) worldwide, so they are diverse in size. Selective breeding has produc...
Selective breeding has resulted in the Turkish Van been a very affectionate, almost bordering on possessive, loving cat. It is not a lap cat - it would rather sleep next to you than on top of you. It tends to bond with one or two members in the family. ...
The different types of domestic dogs are known as breeds, because they’re the result of selective breeding. Over the thousands of years we’ve been domesticating them, dogs have been bred for every job imaginable: hunting, guarding property, pulling sleds, herding sheep… even powering machines...
The deer’s breeding season takes place every year for only a short amount of time. Most species pursue a reproduction strategy known as polygyny in which a single dominant male will have multiple female partners. Only a few species prefer to be monogamous. Because competition can be fierce, ...
It took some time for the governing bodies to recognize this hybrid cat breed, but after years of selective breeding, most governing bodies have registered theBengal. We have heard people call this cat a Bengal Leopard cat, a Bengal House cat, a Bengal Domestic Cat - it's simply the Benga...
Koi can be differentiated by coloration, pattern, and scalation. New varieties of koi are constantly being developed by selective breeding. Three core colors make up many koi varieties: Red (Hi) White (Shiro) Black (Sumi) Other colors that are commonly seen include: ...
For their safety, yearlings are typically separated from the rest of the flock when breeding season occurs. A well-loved sheep typically lives to be around 12 years old. The oldest sheep that ever lived was named Methuselina, and she made it to the impressive age of 28 years old. As ...