Licorice is herbaceous perennial legume about 1 m tall. It is found growing in warm subtropical or tropical climate preferably in a sunny position and prefers deep well cultivated fertile moisture-retentive soil for good root production. Prefers a sandy soil with abundant moisture and does not flou...
Information about Oranges including applications, nutritional value, taste, seasons, availability, storage, restaurants, cooking, geography and history.
Root bark is also used as string or rope for making fishing nets, socks, mats, etc. Pollens of flowers are mixed with water to form glue. Husks of the fruit may be used as dishes or fashioned into containers or snuff boxes and fishing floats. They are used as water dippers in Tanzani...
The palm leaves are commonly used as a religious symbol in Christianity. The full-grown leaves are made into fans, baskets, screens, and mats. When the leaf is dried it can be used in the production of walking sticks, fuel, fishing floats, and brooms. The leaves are also used as a lu...
the solid would sink to the bottom of the liquid. The fact that ice floats on water is exceedingly important in the natural world, because the ice that forms on ponds and lakes in cold areas of the world acts as an insulating barrier that protects the aquatic life below. If ice were de...
The poem is spoken by a woman. But besides being about a woman’s fate, line two suggests the nation’s changeable fate as well withnước non, “mountains and streams,” the set phrase for “nation.” Bánh trôi nước(“cake floats in water”) is a little sugary ball ...
Information about Oranges including applications, nutritional value, taste, seasons, availability, storage, restaurants, cooking, geography and history.