Discover the glory of Ancient Rome…Ready for a journey back in time? Here at Nat Geo Kids, we’re about to get the lowdown on this amazing civilisation with our fab facts about the Romans! Article continues below… Facts about the Romans 1) Rome was founded in 753BC by its first ...
Ancient Rome was known for the foundations it laid and advances it made in contemporary architecture, effectively making Rome a pioneer civilization,inventing and implementing breakthrough architectural techniques. The primary architectural achievements that stand out are the modified arches (used in creatin...
27. Purple clothes were reserved for Emperors and Senators in Ancient Rome This next fact is among the facts of Ancient Rome: and particularly to their clothes. While today you can dress in virtually any color you want, in Ancient Rome there was one color that you couldn’t wear: purple....
With a legacy that lasted over 1,500 years in total, and saw the fall and assimilation of hundreds of ancient cultures and societies, it’s understandable why the Romans are such a big part of the world’s collective history. An Empire so large it had to be split into two, it’s not...
Who was the god of music, light and truth? And how would a gladiator request an honourable death in battle? All these questions and more are answered in this fascinating easy-to-read guide to ancient Rome. Whether you are studying the subject and need access to the important information fas...
While doctors in ancient Rome prescribed macabre elixirs and used dreams for diagnoses, they also made significant medical advances.
4. Ancient Rome is underground. Have you ever wondered why all the ancient stuff is so much lower than street level? That’s because after so many hundreds of years, the city has piled up, building on top of building. TRAVEL TIP:Go underground two layers at Basilica San Clemente. Three...
Heir to Julius Caesar, he was one of the most famous (and controversial) leaders from Ancient Rome, but how much do you really know about Caesar Augustus? From political strife to private life, here are 8 facts you mightn’t know about the famous Roman Statesman....
Beginning in the eighth century B.C., Ancient Rome grew from a small town on central Italy’s Tiber River into an empire that at its peak encompassed most of continental Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, northern Africa and the Mediterranean islands. Among the many legacies of Roman do...
Want to find out about other historic cultures? Then check out theseAncient Rome facts, discover theAncient Egyptian godsor learn all aboutthe Vikings! Country fact file: Greece Breathtaking landscapes, beautiful islands and cities steeped in history, now that you’ve discovered facts about Ancient...