The Capitoline Hill, where the most important gods were, lent its name to the word “capitol.” While the Palatine Hill, where the emperors made their palaces, lent its name to the word “palace.” There are many more Ancient Roman words that can be found in English today, such as the...
For ten years, the emperor Vespasian ruled over ancient Rome, making him perhaps the most powerful man in the world. Learn about Vespasian's rise...
A number of Roman emperors did the same until Diocletian, who enacted the ‘“Great Persecution.” He ordered the burning of Christian books and churches. The reason for the persecution of Christians, as written by Cicero, was because of its great superstition. Historian Tacitus added that it ...
Thanks to Augustus Caesar, the Roman Empire was established after he proclaimed himself the first emperor of Rome in 31 B.C. Click for more facts.
Roman Emperor Claudius Facts: Lesson for Kids Roman Emperors Timeline & List Roman Empire Lesson for Kids: Timeline & Facts Ancient Roman Contributions: Lesson for Kids Ancient Roman Emperor Facts: Lesson for Kids Roman Empire Lesson Plan The Roman Empire: The Julio-Claudian Principate Antony & ...
Our Brazil Facts for Kids tell you about the largest South American country and its people, landmarks in Brazil, animals and food in Brazil and much more.
Brazil for Kids | More Facts about Brazil Brazil has almost 7,500 km/ 4,660 miles of coastline and is known for many great beaches. The northern and western parts of Brazil are largely dominated by the Amazon Basin. In the South, you will find the Brazilian Highlands. ...
3. Ancient pharaohs and Roman emperors would wear gold! Picture ancient pharaohs wearing dazzling gold jewellery or Roman emperors adorned with golden laurel wreaths. Throughout history, gold has been treasured for its beauty and rarity, often reserved for kings and queens. Embed from Getty Images...
About Us KidsKonnect is a growing library of premium quality educational materials, printable worksheets and teaching resources for use in the classroom. Join KidsKonnect Join thousands happy teachers and students who use our teaching worksheets and resources every day. ...
Roman Emperor Diocletian established the Tetrarchy in 293 CE. A system of government included four different rulers. Click for PDF and Google Slides worksheets.