Explore the solar system, the home of planet Earth. Learn about suns and stars, the planets in the solar system, and how the solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy. What Is the Solar System? Our solar system is made up of many parts. It's a combination of a single star and...
It takes 24 hours for the Earth to spin all the way around, and we call this a day. Find out more about night and day. There are eight planets in our Solar System that orbit around the Sun. In order, going from the closest planet to the Sun, to the one that is farthest away, ...
Join us on an out-of-this-world adventure with our fascinating facts about Mars… Facts about Mars 1) Named after the Roman God of war, Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system. 2) Mars is also known as the ‘Red Planet’ because, well, it’s red! This ...
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The most famous feature on the surface of the planet is the 'Great Red Spot' which is actually a storm that has been blowing for about 350 years, if not longer. Jupiter - true colours as seen by Cassini Jupiter has some of the larges...
Our China Facts for Kids will provide you with country facts, information on people and culture about China for kids
The immensely strong gravity of the Sun keeps objects in the solar system orbiting around it. Some solar systems elsewhere in the universe have more than one Sun! Can you imagine a sky with 2 or 3 suns? Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star. Facts about the Weather The top speed of a rai...
Do you want to learn about planets and moons in our solar system? This category has facts about all the planets in our solar system and their moons. Planet Facts for Kids Plant Facts Do you want to learn about plants? This category has facts about plants. Learn about trees, flowers, the...
The planet Venus is the second planet from the sun in the solar system. Learn how Venus got its name, the distance of the planet from Earth, the length of a day, and other interesting facts about the planet. The Planet Venus Put on your space suit and jump into the space shuttle ...
Discover fun and educational facts about the Moon for kids, including its phases, size, and importance in our solar system.
15. Earth's pretty, pretty big! Earth’s radius is 3958 miles, making it the fifth largest planet found in our Solar System!