For more, you can review the lesson named Facts about Mars' Moons: Lesson for Kids. These points will be covered: Translations of the moons' names The way these moons travel around Mars Size of the two moons How these moons were discovered ...
The moon takes about 30 hours, a little over a Martian day, to travel around its host. Lunar origins Because of their odd shapes and strange composition, scientists thought for a long time that both moons were born asteroids. Jupiter's gravity could have nudged them into orbit around Mars,...
Mars has two small moons,PhobosandDeimos. They were discovered in 1877 by astronomer Asaph Hall, who named them for the Latin terms “fear” and “panic”. These moons are thought to be captured asteroids and are among the smallest natural satellites in the solar system. Olympus Mons Mars h...
Mars' Moons: Facts About Phobos & Deimos Like many objects in the solar system, the Martian moons take their names from Greek mythology. In Homer's ancient poem, "The Iliad," Deimos (Flight) and Phobos (Fear) were the twin sons of Mars (Ares to the Greeks), and accompany him into...
Earth may once have had two moons, according to A teensy second moon — spanning about 750 miles (1,200 km) wide — may have orbited Earth before it catastrophically slammed into the other one. This titanic clash may explain why the two sides of the surviving lunar satellite ...
The first spacecraft to visit Mars was Mariner 4 in 1965. According to Biblical Scholars, Jesus was more than likely born in a cave, not a stable, as the tale says. The process by which bread toasts is called the “Maillard Reaction.” ...
Uranus has at least 27natural satellites. Some of these moons orbit within the ring system and others farther away. The largest are Ariel, Miranda, Oberon, Titania, and Umbriel. They are named after characters in works by William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. Interestingly, these little worlds...
layer above the denser atmospheric layers, but for planets or satellites without dense atmospheres, the exosphere is the region between the surface and interplanetary space. This is called thesurface boundary exosphere. It has been observed for theEarth's Moon,Mercury, and theGalilean moons of ...
As the protoplanetary disk came together into planets, moons, and the Sun, a bunch of material got left over, gathered into planetesimals that didn’t quite get it together enough to become a world. As the solar system evolved, all of that leftover debris got pushed around. Some of it ...
Voyager 1 visits Saturn and its moons Voyager 1 enters interstellar space Voyager 1's interstellar adventures Additional resources Voyager 1 is the first spacecraft to travel beyond the solar system and reach interstellar space. The probe launched on Sept. 5, 1977 — about two weeks after...