Deepest Point On Land Has Been Discovered In Antarctica 25 interesting facts about icebergs 20 Natural Wonders That Didn’t Make The Cut Blog AllWomen’s Stories Camel-Themed Souvenirs: What to Buy in Dubai* Elevate your living room decor with elegant lighting fixtures* ...
2018 Cost of Living Martyna Majok 2019 Fairview Jackie Sibblies Drury 2020 A Strange Loop Michael R. Jackson 2021 The Hot Wing King Katori Hall 2022 Fat Ham James Ijames 2023 English Sanaz Toossi 2024 Primary Trust Eboni Booth Winners of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction The colorful...
23. Largest living structure 24. Deepest spot 25. Lowest point on land 26. Lakes can explode 27. Losing fresh water 28. Melting glaciers 29. Purple Earth 30. Earth is electric 31. Earth's seas 32. Gold abundance 33. Raining cosmic dust 34. The sun's light 35. The...
They asked many,many other questions.Some people said there were living plants on the moon.Others said nothing could live there because there was no air or water on the moon.We know much about the moon now.Scientists have studied the moon for many years and have found out many facts.Nop...
9)Today, this fascinating festival is celebrated by thousands of people in countries all around the world. During Diwali, Hindus living outside India gather at places of worship calledmandirsto leave offerings to deities, watch firework displays and eat yummy food together!
48 Interesting Facts About Universe The term “universe” refers to an unimaginably vast space that is unbounded by its dots of bodies. By definition, the… Read More » 55 Incredible Facts About Sun Sun is the most important source of energy for life on Earth. Every living being gets ...
Anyone who wants to experience living on this planet should visit the North Pole as both have approximately same temperature range. Source:, image: 13. Lightning in Space! Milky Way and lightning strike from space ...
Many Chinese live in the 'megacities' of the country. Megacities are cities with more than 10 million inhabitants. Six of the 33 megacities in the world are located in China. Megacity of Guangzhou - home to 25 million peopleIn rural areas the living standard is still very poor and many pe...
Did you know a small patch of soil, just 1 square metre in area, can hold a billion living things? Lizards use their tongue to smell! Some lizards can shed their tail when they are being attacked by a predator. Fun Science Facts about Bones Did you know the smallest bone in the body...
For Chinese people living far from their hometowns, their opportunities to go back and reunite with their families come only twice a year, one on Chinese New Year in the first half of a year and the other on Mid-Autumn Festival in the latter half. On the festival day, all family ...