You’ve got the Big Island’s volcanoes, stunning scenery inMaui and Kauai, incredible beaches, breathtaking nature and laid-back surf culture. And there are tons ofawesome things to do in Hawaii, from snorkeling with turtles to exploring volcanoes. There are also lots of fun facts about Hawa...
At the municipal level, Hawaii has four counties: the city and county of Honolulu, the county of Hawai’i, the county of Maui, and the county of Kaua’i. Each county has an elected mayor and council, and there are no town governments in the state. Some government functions provided by ...
Hawaii, constituent state of the United States of America. It became the 50th U.S. state on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is a group of eight major volcanic islands and 124 islets in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii’s capital is Honolulu, located on the isla
From hidden gems to iconic landmarks and beloved foods, Hawaii is famous for so much. Read on to find out whyliving in Hawaiiis so appealing, whether you’rebuying a home in Honolulu,renting an apartment in Maui, or just passing through. Unique island culture and traditions Hawaii’s cult...
Pineapples for sale at a roadside stand on Maui. Credit: Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) / Dana Edmunds Does Pizza Hawaiʻi come from Hawaiʻi? “Does the pizza Hawaiʻi come from Hawaiʻi?” This question can spark a fierce debate among people living here. They will almost certain...
(kind of like the rings in a tree), or the growth layers in the teeth of toothed whales. There is a newer technique that involves studying aspartic acid in the whale's eye, and is also related to growth layers formed in a whale's eye lens. The longest-living whale species is ...
This article covers how the pineapple caused a sensation when introduced to Europeans in the late 1400s, and why the love and fascination for the fruit hasn't diminished to the present day.
2. Fiji belongs to the Polynesian islands. The archipelago lies about 3,000 km/ 1,900 miles off the eastcoast of Australia and more than 4,000 km/ 2,500 miles to the Southwest of Hawaii. Fiji is an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean ...
I know when I was young I wanted to travel the world. Let take you to places all over the world! Check out these amazing fun facts all about places around out world. See Hawaii, Italy or the Great Wall of China and much more!
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to a “standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family.” That includes food, clothing, and housing. Sadly, there are millions of people around the world living on...