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It's common knowledge that you can't breathe in space. But conspiracy theorists have used a photo of a group of astronauts allegedly not wearing their helmets on the surface of the moon to try to prove that the moon landing was faked. While the photo is real, it was not taken on the...
Water on the Moon: The thought of water on the moon was once considered science fiction, but recent missions have confirmed the presence of water ice in permanently shadowed craters. This discovery not only raises questions about the moon’s geological history but also opens up possibilities for ...
At 3,475 km in diameter, the Moon is much smaller than the majormoonsofJupiterandSaturn. Earth is about 80 times the volume than the Moon, but both are about the same age. A prevailing theory is that the Moon was once part of the Earth, and was formed from a chunk that broke away...
Launched on October 15, 1997, the space craft arrived at Saturn on June 30, 2004. Upon its arrival, Cassini dropped the Huygens probe built by the European Space Agency. Huygens was equipped to study Titan by landing on the Saturn moon and achieved astounding results. For example, many ...
Nine: Without the Moon, There Would be No Tides in the Sea. Wrong. The sun also exerts a tidal force on the Earth's oceans. The sun contains much more mass than the Moon, but it is also much further away, so that the sun's tidal force is about 46% of the Moon's tidal force...
Timeline of the 1969 Moon Landing How Many Times Did the US Land on the Moon? On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930-) became the first humans ever to land on the moon. About six-and-a-half hours later, Armstrong became the ...
Year 1966: The first spacecraft to make a successful soft landing on the moon’s surface was Luna 9 on February 3, 1966. It was the first on an extraterrestrial body. Then in early March, Luna 10 became the first space probe to successfully enter and maintain an orbit around the moon....
While reading the books and websites devoted to proselytizing the idea of the Moon landing being a hoax can be amusing, it pays to remember that the claims of the hoax movement have been thoroughly debunked. The latest hit to the hoax theory comes from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission...