Ready for a trip back in time? Here at Nat Geo Kids, we’re travelling back to Tudor England in our Henry VIII wives feature. Hold onto your hats – and your heads! Henry VIII wives… 1. Catherine of Aragon Henry VIII’s first wife was Catherine of Aragon, daughter of King Ferdinand...
King Henry VIII of England is believed to have recognized St. Valentine's Day as a holiday in the 1500s. Explore the history and tradition of Valentine's Day, the real St. Valentine, the story of Cupid, and the variety of symbols and traditions surrounding the holiday. ...
2. Henry was crowned King in 1509. Henry VIII was crowned King in 1509. More to click... Top 10 Facts About Optical Illusions! Top 10 Facts About The Roden Centre Top 10 Facts About The Sahara Desert! He wasn’t really meant to be King. Henry became King when his Brother Arthur...
Let's journey back to England during the late 1400s and early 1500s. This lesson will give you information about the late Henry VIII, the King of...
King Henry VIII If there was ever a king to be remembered it was King Henry VIII who was a larger than life king who changed the course of history and lead a rather interesting life to say the least! Did you know that he was never actually meant to be king? That spot was always ke...
I knew that she was going to take it badly, but I had no idea about the insane lengths she would go to just to get revenge and mess with my life. These People Got Genius Revenges April 22, 2020 Scott Mazza Featured Article Catherine of Aragon is now infamous as King Henry VIII’...
Discover our top ten Queen Victoria facts here at National Geographic Kids. Learn about where the British Queen was born, when she reigned, her hidden talents and more!
The formal title of the act was:“An act concerning the King’s Highness to be Supreme Head of the Church of England and to have authority to reform and redress all errors, heresies and abuses in the same.” When King Henry VIII became head of the church, it gave him access to consi...
King Henry VIII made plans for a big celebration as he was excited about Anne giving him a son. When a little girl was born, Elizabeth, he was not pleased at all and cancelled all the celebrations. Poor child. *** None of the English people liked Anne, especially in Henry’s Court...
King Henry VIII declared February 14 a holiday in 1537. Fun Facts About Valentine's Day The first Valentine's Day was in Paris on February 14, 1400. In medieval times, love was sometimes symbolized by the image of a hunter's knot or love knot, signifying an unbreakable bond. Lovebirds...