The last of Henry VIII wives was Catherine Parr. An educated woman who loved to learn new things, Catherine married Henry on 12 July 1543. She proved to be a kind wife who looked after Henry in his sickness, and a good stepmother to the king’s three children, Mary, Elizabeth and Edw...
Two were stillborn or died within hours of birth and the third, called Henry, lived for only a few weeks. It is unclear what killed Henry, but infant mortality at that time was very common. What was the age difference between King Henry and Catherine? Catherine of Aragon was six years ...
Queen Catherine Howard, sometimes spelled Katherine, was the fifth wife of King Henry VIII. Her exact date of birth was not recorded, but she was probably born in 1521. Unlike Henry VIII's prior wives, Catherine Howard came from a relatively impoverished background. Catherine's life was short...
Henry VIII(born June 28, 1491,Greenwich, nearLondon, England—died January 28, 1547, London) was thekingofEngland(1509–47) who presided over the beginnings of the EnglishRenaissanceand the EnglishReformation. His six wives were, successively,Catherine of Aragon(the mother of the future queenMar...
With little more than an unenvied independence, the duchy persisted into the 12th century, when a series of succession crises enabled King Henry II of England to subject it to the Plantagenet domains. Only after 1166 were the Bretons to feel the impact of systematic territorial administration. ...
Although being ranked as one of the best monarchs of England, he was very popular for having six wives. However, his first marriage lasted longer 25 years which is larger duration combined to all others. Here are the wives of King Henry VIII in the sequence of their marriage. ...
The women’s husbands would mischievously try to set fire to the flax on their wives’ distaffs, while the women, lying in wait, would retaliate with humor by dousing their husbands with buckets of water. Partly worke and partly play ...
467. The Beagle came into prominence in the 1300s and 1400s during the days of King Henry VII of England. Elizabeth I was fond of Pocket Beagles, which were only 468. Dogs should have a litter before they are spayed. This is not true. Dogs that have a litter before they are ...
Anne of Cleves was married to King Henry VIII for less than a year, after which the marriage was annulled. She never remarried and lived in England for the rest of her life. She was referred to as "The King's Beloved Sister" and the two stayed on good terms. Did Anne of Cleves hav...
Mary, Queen of Scots' father was King James V of Scotland. Mary's mother was Mary of Guise. James V, born to James IV and Margaret Tudor, was a staunch Catholic. Later, this would make relations with his relative, Henry VIII, in England tenuous when he broke with the Catholic Church...