Julius Caesar, the influential Roman general and statesman, conquered vast territories, reformed Rome’s government, and met a tragic end that forever shaped history.
s and the kings of client states. He was admired byCiceroand other Roman aristocrats, and after his death he became a symbol of resistance totyranny.William Shakespearefound in theParallel LivesofPlutarchthe basis for his sympathetic portrayal of the character Brutus in the playJulius Caesar....
Brutus married Cato’s daughter Porcia after Cato’s death in 46. Ides of March coinThe Ides of March coin, struck by Marcus Junius Brutus in 43 or 42 bce; the reverse side (right) refers to Julius Caesar's assassination and is inscribed with the abbreviation “EID MAR” (Eidibus Mart...
just as thesuccessorsofJulius Caesarwere commonly called Caesar.) Both sons were given lesser titles than king: Archelaus was ethnarch, and Antipas was tetrarch. The non-Jewish areas (exceptSamaria) were assigned to a third son, Philip, to Herod’s sister Salome, or to the province of ...
“Julius Caesar” “King John” “King Lear” “Love’s Labour’s Lost” “Macbeth” “Measure for Measure” “Much Ado About Nothing” “Othello” “Pericles” “Richard III” “The Comedy of Errors” “The Merchant of Venice” “The Merry Wives of Windsor” ...
s FifthLateran Councilon the critical problem of the reform of thecalendar. The civil calendar then in use was stillthe one produced under the reign of Julius Caesar, and, over the centuries, it had fallen seriously out of alignment with the actual positions of the Sun. This rendered the ...
givenmacabredetails about Judas’s death, presumably to show thatGospelprophecies were literally fulfilled. His account appears in numerouslegends, particularly in Coptic works, and inmedievalliterature. InDante’sInfernoJudas appears in the deepest chasm ofhellwithJulius Caesar’s assassins,Brutusand...
This period encompassed the career of Julius Caesar, who eventually took full power over Rome as its dictator. After his assassination in 44 bce, the triumvirate of Mark Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian, Caesar’s nephew, ruled. It was not long before Octavian went to war against Antony in ...
DeMille’s ability to give the public what it wanted soon made him a “name” director in the days when directors were virtually unknown. He made comedies and melodramas about married life that reflected the postwar freedom frommoralrestraint, beginning withOld Wives for New(1918). These films...
Who were Caesarion’s parents? How did Caesarion die? Caesarion(born June 47bce—died 30bce) was thekingofEgypt(reigned 44–30bce), son ofJulius CaesarandCleopatra VII. Ptolemy was his mother’s co-ruler, killed by Octavian, later the emperorAugustus, after Cleopatra’s death in 30. ...