Worship should not be based on serving to a date or earning salvation at Armageddon; it should revolve around serving God. It is not necessary to know when Jesus Second Coming will be. Christianity manifests itself by showing love for God and love for neighbour regardless of the future. ...
The complete failure has been the self protection of everyone. There was time to boost/activate everyone’s immune systems with vitamins and zinc. I was aware of what was coming from China from January this year. I did the research and took vitamins C and D3 and the daily dose for Zinc...
He also wrote this regarding Silphiums medical properties, “treatment of leprosy, to restore hair, cleanse retained afterbirth from the womb, and as an antidote for poisons” Soranus, a physician of the second century AD, claimed silphium could abort a pregnancy. Although the plant was used ...
HeappearedafterHisresurrectionandHeisabouttoappearbeforeHissecondcoming!Youknowaprophetesssentmeawordthroughmywife,righthere,andshesaid‘TellyourhusbandthatJesusisgo’n to physically appear in his meetings.’ I am expecting to see, I am telling you that - I feel it’s going to happen. I, I, ...
Among the six dreams reported in the New Testament are the dreams that communicate divine knowledge, instruction, and warning to Joseph, husband of Mary, mother of Jesus.[4] About 80% of neonatal and newborn sleep time is REM sleep, suggesting a tremendous amount of time dreaming.[4] ...
But Donald Trump throws out wild, baseless, lies, and as if he were the Messiah himself, the second coming, the Republican party jumps on the wagon. The Republican Party is behaving like a sad, tragic, but very dangerous overstuffed clown car careening downhill. It’s not enough for them...
God’s Relationship with Mankind, andMankind’s Fall from God’s Grace. On the large pendentives, he painted twelve Biblical and Classical men and women who prophesied that God would send Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind, and around the upper parts of the windows, the Ancestors of...
Christians believe Jesus will return to the earth to judge humanity for their actions. This is often called the "Second Coming" or the "Final Judgement" and is depicted most famously in the Sistine Chapel in Rome.[2] The two major Christian holidays—Christmas and Easter—celebrate Jesus' bir...
We follow Jesus Christ, not any human leader.—Matthew 23:8-10.Anyone knowing the slightest history of Jehovah's Witnesses should be aware that the first leader was strongly influenced and associated with Second Adventists, before breaking away over a disagreement with Barbour. Hence, it can be...
of the year.” These kids may show morepatienceand less frustration and are overall less irritable. This means you may have a kid who fits in naturally and tends to go with the flow. If this is your first child, don’t let it fool you. You know what they say about thatsecond child...