1. January 26, 1930 was earlier celebrated as India’s Independence Day or Purna Swaraj Day. It’s the day India decided to fight for complete freedom. Source: en.wikipedia.org 2. After we achieved Independence on August 15 in 1947, our leaders wanted January 26 to be remembered in histo...
you also left out august 15 -- india's independence day! Reply Diane (not verified) 6 years 7 months ago I love this site too. In a world I think has lost it's mind, this is one of the places I come to for solace. Reminds me of growing up in a simpler world. Every so oft...
National Day: Independence Day: 17 August National Anthem:Indonesia Raya(Great Indonesia) History: Indonesia used to be a collection of kingdoms located on the Indonesian Archipelago before they were united under the rule of the Majapahit Empire. This was a Hindu-Buddhis kingdom and ruled for a...
The vast majority of people are Turks, while the Kurdish population makes up to around 20% of the population. The Kurds are the largest minority group in Turkey. Turkish is one Turkic languages with about 90 million native speakers. Turkish is the official language in Turkey as well as one ...
Independence Day is observed with parades and lots of flag waving on August 15 every year. India may have achieved independence in 1947, however, the British were still heavily involved on the subcontinent. To commemorate India becoming a self-governing republic, the Republic Day holiday was creat...
Infoplease has everything you need to know about Bangladesh. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Bangladesh's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture, religion and languages. If that's not enough, click
At about the same time, rubber trees were introduced from Brazil. With the mass production of automobiles, rubber became a valuable export, and laborers were brought in from India to work the rubber plantations. Trending Here are the facts and trivia that people are buzzing about. Jewish ...
Important Facts About the National Emblem for UPSC Adoption Date: The National Emblem was adopted onJanuary 26, 1950, the day India became a republic. Sculptor of the Original Lion Capital: The original Lion Capital of Ashoka is attributed toEmperor Ashoka’s artisansand reflects Mauryan artistry...
(former French colony) and Guyana (former British colony). When slavery from Africa was abolished, the Dutch settlers brought in slaves from Java (Indonesia) and India, mainly to work on the plantations. Suriname today is an independent country as it gained independence from the Netherlands in ...
National Day:18 November (Independence Day) and 30 July (Throne Day remembers the ascension of King Mohammed VI) National Animal: Barbary lion, pentagram (five pointed star which is also known as Solomon's seal) National Colours: red and green ...