Massachusettsis a state rich in history and tradition. As the 6th state to gain statehood in the United States, Massachusetts is known for being a pioneer and leader in many areas, including industrialization, higher education, the medical field, and technological advances. Massachusetts played a ...
In the 19th century, biblical scholars moved the decisive division back to the period of theBabylonian Exileand the restoration of the Jews to the kingdom ofJudah(6th–5th centurybce). They asserted that after the first fall ofJerusalem(586bce) the ancient “Israelitic” religion gave way to...
Isolation is also a pronounced characteristic of much of the social landscape beyond the large coastal cities. But an equally significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a broad spectrum ofculturesdrawn from many lands, a development stemming from immigration that is trans...
In the south, Manitoba’s countryside has an older, more occupied look than those of the other Prairie Provinces. The development of theRed River Settlementin the 19th century gave the early province a distinctly rural character. The rapid occupation of the agricultural lands between 1870 and 191...
“drain the swamp”); to withdraw the United States from the 2015Paris Agreementonclimate change; to imposetariffson countries that allegedly engaged in trade practices that were unfair to the United States; to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to preventillegal immigrationfrom Latin...
Immigration, process through which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country. Many modern states are characterized by a wide variety of cultures and ethnicities that have derived from previous periods of immigration. Learn mor
but they were later replaced bywindmills, such as the mill network at Kinderdijk-Elshout, now aUNESCOWorld Heritage site. The largest water-control schemes were carried out in the second half of the 19th century and in the 20th century, when steam pumps and, later, electric or diesel pumps...
By the dawn of the 1920s, thesecond Industrial Revolutionhad transformed the United States into a global economic power and drawn millions of Americans to cities. With aconcurrentrise in immigration, the 1920 U.S. census was the first in which the majority of the population lived in urban ar...
(who are called Angelenos) relies on the automobile, idealizes the single-family dwelling, and favours informality. With notable exceptions, the skyline is primarily horizontal rather than vertical. Los Angeles is a place of extraordinary ethnic and racialdiversity, owing largely to immigration, ...
Although the Jewish population had become well established in the 19th century, its numbers swelled further prior to World War II, particularly in the Chicago area. Following the war, whites from Appalachia and Native Americans sought employment in the cities. More-recent immigrants have tended to...