Before discovering this fun fact, I thought Kisses were named after the shape your mouth makes when you place the chocolate on your lips, tip-first. However, Hershey’s are actually named for the sound it makes during the manufacturing process. A machine squirts the chocolate mixture onto the...
January 16: The FBI gunned down the Barker Gang, including Ma Barker, during a shootout in Florida. The Barker-Karpis Gang was responsible for three kidnappings, 10 murders, and thefts of more than $1 million during a three-year rampage—primarily in the Midwest—that began in 1931. Wikip...
Chocolate, food product made from cocoa beans, consumed as candy and used to make beverages and to flavor or coat various confections and bakery products. Sweet chocolate is made from cocoa powder, sugar, and additional cocoa butter. Learn about the hist
After seeing German-made chocolate-processing machinery at the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, Hershey decided to go into the chocolate business. In 1894 he started a chocolate company that had various confections on the market by the following year. Learn about candy creation ...