Disease, Heart
French Canadian flight attendant Gaetan Dugas (1953-1984) is notorious for being identified as “patient zero” for AIDS in the U.S. Dugas claims to have had over 2,500 sexual partners across North America. However, some studies dismiss the idea that he was Patient Zero. Instead they claim...
first, Canavera and her colleagues wanted to produce resources for parents to use when they talk to their children about COVID-19. Then, they decided to make them directly for children. Children often learn best through play, so coloring is a great way to help them understand the disease....
two most commonly reported infectious diseases in America —chlamydiaandgonorrhea— pose a greater risk to the health of women, as both can result in infertility. Together, these two diseases were reported in almost 1.5 million Americans in 2007, but the majority of cases continue to go ...
Learn 5 important facts about Mick Jagger's heart surgery for aortic stenosis, a deadly form of heart disease.
Today, someone in America develops AD every 68 seconds. By 2050, there is expected to be one new case of AD every 33 seconds, or nearly a million new cases per year, and AD prevalence is projected to be 11 million to 16 million. Dramatic increases in the number of “oldest-old” (...
Biden spoke after he gave remarks about a Pentagon review of the U.S. strategy toward China. Earlier on Wednesday, a World Health Organization team researching the origins of the deadly disease revealed preliminary findings that the virus likely came from b...
M. There has been a call from the U.S./ Canadian Commission to ban bleach in North America. Bleach is being linked to the rising rates of breast cancer in women, reproductive problems in men and learning and behavioral problems in children. ...
Do you want to learn about all the US cities? This category has facts about all the cities in the United States of America. Learn about Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and other cities around the nation. US Cities Facts for Kids
Heart, organ that serves as a pump to circulate the blood. It may be as simple as a straight tube, as in spiders and annelid worms, or as complex as the four-chambered double pump that is the center of the circulatory system in humans, other mammals, and