Last month my wife and I moved from San Francisco to a suburb about 35 miles east of the city so that we could be geographically closer to our son and his wife who are welcoming a baby boy into the world in late May. But we’ve only seen them once since we moved here. With this...
Artemis had already banished Callisto when she had learned about the nymph’s pregnancy and broken vow. However, it was Zeus’ jealous wife Hera, who was not amused by her husband’s philandering, who would do even more damage. Angered by Zeus’ betrayal, she turned Callisto into a bear....
Though a major god, Hades is Lord of the Underworld and is not considered to be one of the more celestial and bright Olympian gods, despite the fact that his brother Zeus is king over them all. All of his siblings are Olympians, but he is not. Interestingly, the concept of Hades might...
Zeus divided up the world with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. Zeus received control over the sky and Earth. He is often associated with lightning (which comes from the sky.) What are five interesting facts about Zeus? Zeus is the king of the gods. He is the father of Athena, Apollo,...
Cerberus, also known as the “Hound of Hades,” was a terrifying dog with three heads who guarded the underworld and stopped the dead from getting out. Bloodhounds are used as sniffer dogs in various countries because they have such an acute sense of smell. They can single out a scent ...
Orpheus’ voice was so powerful that Hades assured this desperate man that Eurydice would accompany him to the Upper World, the world of the living. However, he advised Orpheus not to glance back while his wife was still in the dark, as doing so would erase everything he had hoped for....
You heard about Zeus and his wife Hera, goddess Athena, Hercules, you know what is Demeter the goddess of, and maybe you even know the whole pantheon of main gods. You’ve seen some movies or series, and/or read some books about the Greek gods and mythology. And that’s a great ...
Demeter got furious once again and she said that she would never make the Earth fertile again, and that everyone would die. Zeus, who wanted to put an end to this issue, decided that Persephone would spend half of her months with Hades, and the other half with Demeter.EXPLANATION...
21-25 Interesting Facts About Bible 21. Unicorns are mentioned in the Bible –Source 22. King David from the Bible offered 200 foreskins for his wife’s hand in marriage. –Source 23. In the Bible, Adam is not banished from Eden for eating the fruit of knowledge. Instead, he is banish...
Isis is also known as Mut-Netier "Mother of the Gods" and West- Kekau "The Great Magic" has become a super deity that had a connection with virtually every aspect of humanity in time, life, and death. She was the wife of Osiris the ruler of the underworld and the mother of Hours...