Ever since I was a kid, I have had a true passion for interesting and fun facts. On cool facts for kids, we aim to stimulate the minds of children and make them say, WOW! To learn more about why my daughter and I started this website, visit theAbout Us Page! I always love the ...
The pudu is a small deer that lives in the forests of southern Chile. Pudus are the smallest deer species in the world. The tiny Darwin's frog can be found in the streams in Chile's forests. Did you know, that these frogs grow inside their father's mouth? Blue Whales and Macaroni ...
Watch This Baby Otter Learn to Swim for the First Time It's not just human parents that get frustrated with their children from time to time. In this adorable video, a mother river otter persuades her reluctant baby to take a…Read More ...
The pattern of the frog's skin is unique to each animal and serves as a warning to its predators. The unique pattern can be used for identification just like a human fingerprint. The main diet of the frogs consist of flies, termites and ants as well as spiders and caterpillars. Blue Poi...
See roadrunner run and catch butterflies to eat. Close up pictures and facts about real roadrunners and how they live.
Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
Frogs have lived on Earth for about 100 million years. There is fossil evidence that the red-eyed tree frog has remained much the same for more than 10 million years. The reason there are so many different species from several different biological families is a process called convergent evoluti...
Do you know a cricket from a grasshopper—or, how crickets sing? Also, a cricket is a great (non-biting) insect for children to observe, especially in the classroom. Learn more about crickets! Studies show that our pets help improve our mood and lower blood pressure. And, strangely, this...
badgers, voles, newts and frogs! Take a walk along your closest river and see what wildlife you can spot! Embed from Getty Images 3. Rivers can flood if there is a lot of rainfall. Rivers can sometimes flood. This is usually because of a high amount of rainfall. Sometimes the rivers ...
Frogs Tadpoles Insects Fruits Vegetable matter How Much Tasmanian Devil Eat Per Day Tasmanian devils eat the average amount of food every day equal to about 15% of their whole body weight. However, if they get the opportunity, they can eat up to 40% of their body weight in only 30 minute...