Then check out our fascinating facts about France… Facts about France Official Name: French Republic Form of government: Republic Capital: Paris Population: 67, 092, 056 Official languages: French Monetary unit: Euro Area: 543,965 square kilometres Major mountain ranges: Alps, Pyrenees, Massif ...
The Loire is the longest river of France with about 1,006 km/ 625 miles. The river passes through the cities Orleans and Nantes. The Pyrenées are the longest mountain range in France. The mountain range is located in the South of France and forms a natural border between Spain and France...
Comprehensive and meticulously documented facts about human population. Learn about population trends, drivers, environmental effects, projections, and more. For example: • Food Supplies • Demographic Transition • Trends • Growth Drivers • Foliage • Malthusian TheoryDensity...
France Fact File...General Information and Facts about France, Population: 65,951,611 (July 2013 est.) Size of Country: 547,030 sq km (slightly smaller...
The French are the world's biggest consumers of psychotropic drugs. About one fourth of the population admits having taken anti-depressants or tranquillisers over the past year. There are between 5 and 6 million of more or less seriously handicaped people in France (nearly 1 person out of ...
Despite the myth of the French Resistance during World War II, the underground movement never actually included more than 5% of the population; the other 95% either collaborated with the Nazis or did nothing.[21] With the exception of two world-war induced intervals, the Tour de France has ...
Infoplease has everything you need to know about France. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about France's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture, religion and languages. If that's not enough, click over to
Population: 487,000 Name of inhabitants: Toulousain, Toulousaine (French) / Toulousian (English) Website:Toulouse Toulouse Flag More Facts! Want to learn more facts about France? Well, I have other France facts posts I’m sure you’ll love reading!
The growth rate stands at about 1% per year. In the last ten years, the world population has grown a tremendous 1 billion people, as the world only housed 7 billion people in 2011! By the year 2050, estimates show that the population will account between 9 and 10 billion people and the...
Facts about world countries. Interactive world map with tourist attractions. Country rankings and world population evolution. Famous people.