Physicist Enrico Fermi built the prototype of a nuclear reactor and worked on the Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bomb.
Groundbreaking physicist Enrico Fermi always had a scientific mind, building electric motors and playing with mechanical toys as a young child with his brother Giulio. Fermi was first introduced to physics after picking up a 900-page book on the topics in a local flea market in Italy. Fermi ap...
It cannot be found naturally on earth[3]. However, it can be obtained in microgram quantities by the neutron bombardment of plutonium in a nuclear reactor[1]. History of the Element Origin of the Name:The element is named after the famous nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi[1]. ...
Also→Enrico Fermi: 20th Century Physics Giant Advertisement 8. The Feynman Diagrams that Revolutionized Quantum Mechanics The renowned physicist Richard Feynman developed a revolutionary pictorial scheme for the mathematical calculations of subatomic particles, known as Feynman diagrams. This scheme allowed ...
Also→ Enrico Fermi: 20th Century Physics Giant9. Nobel-Winning Physicist Beyond Retirement Max Born, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, continued to make significant contributions to the field of science even after his retirement in 1952. He produced new editions of his own writings, which included...
Auch→ Enrico Fermi: Ein Physiker, der die Welt veränderte7. Der Vater der Röntgenbeugung Max von Laue war ein deutscher Physiker, der 1914 den Nobelpreis für Physik für seine bahnbrechende Entdeckung der Beugung von Röntgenstrahlen an Kristallen erhielt. Diese Entdeckung revolutionie...
Also→ Enrico Fermi: A Physicist Who Changed the World10. Robert Goddard's $5,000 grant helped him pioneer modern rocketry Robert Goddard was a pioneering rocket scientist who was granted a five-year grant from the Smithsonian Institution in the early 1900s. Despite the limited funding ...
Enrico Fermi Award recipients Scientists from FrankfurtAdvertisementMore interesting reads about...Lise Meitner An Austrian physicist who worked on nuclear physics. Max von Laue Was a German physicist who won the 1914 Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery of X-ray crystallog Frederick Sanger was...
También→Enrico Fermi: el gigante de la física del siglo XX Advertisement 8. Los diagramas de Feynman que revolucionaron la mecánica cuántica El célebre físico Richard Feynman desarrolló un revolucionario esquema pictórico para los cálculos matemáticos de las partículas subatómicas, conocido...
1. Der deutsche Chemiker Otto Hahn erhält den Nobelpreis für Chemie Otto Hahn war ein deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger, der eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung auf dem Gebiet der Kernphysik machte. Im Jahr 1944 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Chemie für seine Pionierarbeit bei der Entdeck...