Comprehensive and meticulously documented facts about human population. Learn about population trends, drivers, environmental effects, projections, and more.
Great Britainis the name for three nations on the main isle: England, Scotland and Wales Britainis used only for including the mainland countries England and Wales United Kingdom Facts for Kids Population: about 69 million people live in the United Kingdom (2025) Capital: London with 9 millio...
England is a country part of the UK of Great Britain. It's borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west, North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south while the North West coast of France in Europe. Location Map of England, UK About Map:The map showing loc...
England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Key figures Demographics Population growth rate Fertility rate Crude birth rate (per 1,000 pop.) Median age Urbanization rate Economy GDP per capita Inflation rate Unemployment rate Trade balance Total value of imported goods Total value ...
Among the cities of Yorkshire, Leeds is the most populous and is the fifth-largest city in Great Britain. It is known as a cultural center with many incredible buildings of Victorian-style architecture. Click for Leeds England Worksheets in PDF and Googl
Scotland has only 5 million inhabitants, about 8.5% of the UK's population. About 5 million Americans reported Scottish ancestry. The highest concentration of people of Scottish descent are found in New England and in the North-West. Scottish place names in former British colonies and in the ...
4) Its population of more than 55 million people (2016 estimate) makes England the largest geographical region in the United Kingdom.It has a population density of 1,054 persons per square mile (407 persons per square km), and the largest city in England is London, at 8.8 million people...
England is part of the United Kingdom together with Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Click for more kids facts & worksheets.
The population of the U.S is diverse and multicultural. It is divided into 6 regions: New England, the mid-Atlantic, the Midwest, the West, the South, and the Southwest. There is no official language of the U.S, but the most commonly spoken languages are English and Spanish. Classic ...
continental Europe and it is home to theUnited Kingdom, which includes Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland (not actually on the island of Great Britain). Great Britain has a total area of 88,745 square miles (229,848 sq km) and a population of about 65 million people (2016 ...