FACTSABOUT“C”,“F”ANDLAMBDA CorV=velocityCincreasesasF(FREQUENCY)increasesAsLAMBDA(WAVELENGTH)increases,FdecreasesV=FxLambdaC=FXLambdainelectromagneticradiation MatchtheUnitsofmeasurement HzMeterVolts EnergyFrequencyWavelength MISCELLENOUSFACTS ...
There are many interesting facts about sperm that can make a person recognize how important they are to creating a healthy child. Learn something new today!
magnets are part of just about every laptop or desktop computer, and they have made their way into tape players and, of course, the things we use to hold stuff on a fridge. Before
The Australian Government is considering changes to electricity metering that would see smart meters deployed much more widely by 2030 – and you can have a say about it. The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has released its plans in draft form and is seeking submissions until 30 May...
The total energy output from the sun is apparently 386 billion million megawatts. Every second the sun produces the same energy as about a trillion 1 megaton bombs. In one second, our sun produces enough energy for almost 500,000 years of the current needs of our so-called civilization. ...
Radiant energy is also known as electromagnetic energy. It is the energy present in electromagnetic waves or light. It is a type of kinetic energy. Since light energy is a form of radiant energy, the Sun is known to produce radiant energy passed on to earth. ELECTRICAL ENERGY It is energy...
Light is a type of electromagnetic energy. Light is made of tiny photons which contain lots of energy. The intensity of photons is dependent upon the amount of energy they contain. Space is dark because light is only visible when it has an object of which to bounce off. ...
thepositron. Within the fermion group of subatomic particles, the electron can be further classified as alepton. A lepton is a subatomic particle that reacts only by theelectromagnetic,weak, andgravitationalforces; it does not respond to the short-rangestrong forcethat acts betweenquarksand binds ...
Light is a form of natural energy made of electromagnetic radiation. Learn about the speed of light and explore the color spectrum it creates that illuminates the world. What is Light? Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue and the sunset appears to be red sometimes? Or maybe you ...
Features of Electromagnetic Spectrum Applications of Hertz: Hertz Unit: Facts Hertz Unit: Examples Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What does hertz help with? The hertz is the SI unit of frequency and represents the number of oscillations/cycles/events that occur in a second. It is used...