Join National Geographic Kids as we get the lowdown on one of our planet’s most fascinating insects in our ten facts about honey bees! Facts about honey bees 1. Honey bees are super-important pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables. This means that they help other plants grow!
Facts about hieroglyphicsAlthough hieroglyphics are Egyptian, the word hieroglyphics is Greek. “Hiero” means “holy” and “glyphics” means “marks” or “writings” – so the word means “holy writings“. The Egyptians believed there was great power in a name. If someone’s name was ...
10 Facts about Radial Loops! In the perspective of fingerprints, the term 'radial' (loop) refers to the radius - a bone in the forearm that joins the hand on the same side as the thumb. Radial loop fingerprints are characterized by a flow of the pattern that opens in the direction of...
(inborn) chromosomal disorders also tend to display a different distribution of arches across the five fingertips; the sharp peak at the index finger is missing in the following syndromes: - Trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome): arches are by far the most common pattern (about 90%), very often on ...
Interesting Facts about : Skara Brae, on the island of Orkney, is the most complete Neolithic village in Europe. It is also the oldest building in Britain, dating from 3100 BCE. Aberdeen Harbour Board is Britain's oldest recorded business, founded in 1136. ...
And what was that controversy over famous singer Kate's Smith's Lake Placid, NY grave all about? The answer to all of these questions and many more lie in Upstate New York. Enjoy! Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio 1: Mr. Ed Was From Upstate New York (Roxbury) bluejettoy via ebay 1:...
Context:After the death of his elder brother, Edward IV, the man who would become Richard III seemed intent on seeing his nephew, Edward V, onto the throne. Very quickly, however, he moved to seize the crown for himself, having the young boy declared illegitimate and having him and his ...
Facts about classicgame shows- whether or not the programs are still on the air - can be fun, surprising, or even a bit disturbing. The game show tidbits here made it to the final round. YouTube 1 The Last Surviving Witness Of President Lincoln's Assassination Appeared On 'I've Got a...
After theAnglo-Saxons, came the vicious Vikings! Join the National Geographic Kids gang as we learn to live like a Scandinavian sea-warrior, in our ten fierce facts about the Vikings… Viking facts 1.The Vikings were famous for sailing huge distances from their home in Scandinavia between AD...
NGC 281 was discovered by the American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard on November 16, 1881. The nebula is about 96 light-years across. It is energized by the young stars in the open cluster IC 1590. This composite image of NGC 281 contains X-ray data from Chandra, in purple, with in...