Africa is home to 55 countries, an ancient and complex history, modern cities, some 3,000 languages and over a billion people. From Algeria to Zimbabwe, here’s a snapshot of each country on a continent you need to know more about.
Fun Facts About Louisiana Nickname:The Pelican State Origin of name:Named in honor of King Louis XIV of France Motto:“Union, Justice, Confidence” Slogan:"Feed Your Soul" State symbols Flower:Magnolia (1900) Tree:Bald Cypress (1963)
9.Bitter Scandinavian winters and frozen fjords didn’t stop the Vikings from tucking into their favourite food – fish! During warmer months they would hang up and dry fish to eat later. 10.Ever wondered where the word ‘berserk’ comes from? ‘Berserkers’ was the name of some terrifying...
NIDA compiled information about cocaine inCocaine: 1977, Robert C. Peterson and Richard C. Stillman, Eds. Also called NIDA Research Monograph No. 13. Overdose: “The Scientific literature reveals at most a few hundred deaths directly attributable to cocaine throughout the history of its use in ...
Medieval Facts. From Stone Age to Space Age, every era in human history has ultimately been about progress. Except for the bloody Middle Ages...
WTF fun facts for kids and people of all ages about yourself, animals, and the things around us. These random snippets might make you a quiz night champ.
At its height, the Ancestral Puebloan culture had a vast network of trade routes. Stories about these routes and the empire that built them traveled as far as theAztec Empirein Mexico. These stories referred to the empire asYancuic Mexico, or “New Mexico.” ...
Edward VI’s widowed stepmother Catherine Parr made a scandalous early marriage to the new king’s uncle, Thomas Seymour. However, Edward’s favor toward Catherine and Thomas let them get away with it. The king wrote a letter of approval about their marriage—though it was obviously dictated...
Roy Buchanan was the guitarist's guitarist for much of his adult life – a sideman who could coax just about any tone, for any kind of music, from his Fender Telecaster. He was rumored to have been asked to join theRolling Stones, afterBrian Jones' death, and turned them down (this ...
4. Facts About Gold Production #90. Gold has been discovered on every continent on Earth. #91. The world's first gold mine is thought to be at a Stone Age site in Sakdrisi, in the Republic of Georgia. This is the same area that gave birth to the legend of the Golden Fleece. ...