4.Why Celebrate Earth Day? Everyday more and more pollutants pour into our water, air, and land. Lakes, rivers, and coastal shores are becoming dangerous and harmful. It is up to us to recognize these problems and figure out how to solve them. Having a day to create this awareness is ...
April 22ndis theEarth Day. The theme for the movement this year is“Invest in Our Planet”. As the 53rdEarth Dayis approaching, let’s get to know 5 fun facts about the day as we make our effort to protect ourEarth. 由1970 年起的這一天,全世界不同機構均會舉辦活動,來召集大眾身體力...
In honor of the holiday, which is celebrating its 53nd anniversary in 2023, we’ve gathered together 10 fascinating facts about Earth Day. 1. Earth Day was created through the tireless efforts of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson and other environmentalists. Senator Gaylord Nelson arrived in ...
To inspire you to set aside time for the planet, ahead, find over a dozen surprising facts about Earth Day. Let them encourage you to lead a more planet-friendly life every day, not just on a single day every April. Earth Day is on April 22 for a reason. FG Trade Latin//Getty ...
Three Decades of Clear, Clean Facts about Earth DayRead the full-text online article and more details about "Three Decades of Clear, Clean Facts about Earth Day" by Fahey, Marge - The Washington Times (Washington, DC), April 7, 2000By FaheyMargewashington times...
Earth Day - statistics & facts With over 75,000 partners across more than 192 countries, Earth Day has become a worldwide movement with a mission to diversify, educate, and activate the environmental cause. Starting as a national campaign to organize teach-ins on college campuses in the U.S...
Here are 50 facts about Earth. 1. We're the third rock from the sun (Image credit: Getty Images) Our home, Earth, is the third planet from the sun, the fifth largest planet in our solar system, with a radius of 3,959 miles, and the only world known to support an atmosphere with...
Earth may look round but it’s actually not perfectly round. The planet bulges around the equator by an extra 0.3 percent due to how it rotates about its axis. 8. Days on Earth are getting longer. The length of Earth’s day is increasing. When Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago,...
Facts about the Earth 1)Earth is thethird planet from the sunin oursolar system. Its name comes from the the old English and Germanic words meaning ‘the ground’. 2)Our amazing planet has been around for quite some time. By researching our planet’s rocks, scientists have calculated the...
Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, and they're also one of the most unique-looking animals. With their characteristic long trunks, floppy ears and thick legs, there is no other animal quite like them. Learn more about the different types of elephants, their breathtaking intelligen...