It doesn't rain all day long during the wet, but the rainfall is usually heavy and causes flooding. The wet is also the time when cyclones occur along Australia's northern coastlines. However, when the parched land finally gets some rain, it is amazing to see the wildflowers emerge from ...
Tropical cyclones that originate in the Atlantic Ocean are responsible for the yearly hurricane season that affects Central America, eastern USA, and some parts of the Carribean. The Atlantic Ocean is bordered in the north by theArctic Ocean,Southern Oceanin the south, andIndian Oceanin the south...
which is winter in the southern hemisphere. Rainfalls can be heavy in summer and the island is occasionally hit by cyclones during February and March. The east coast in general is wetter than the western side of the island
1. Tuvalu is located in the Pacific Ocean and is part of a region called Oceania. The islands of Tuvalu lie in the South Pacific about half way between Australia and Hawaii. Tuvalu lies halfway between Australia and Hawaii 2. Tuvalu is an archipelago of nine islands with three reef islands...
The Indian ocean is ranked as one of the most-deadly ocean waters in the world. It has the warmest temperature out of all the oceans that makes it prone to climatic shifts that cause monsoons, tsunamis, strong winds, as well as cyclones. Ships that travel across the Indian ocean can be...
Coral reefs frequently suffer damage from major weather events like hurricanes and cyclones. These storms break and flatten the animals’ colonies. Low tides also leave them exposed to direct sunlight which can overheat and dehydrate coral. They are also threatened by other marine life that feeds ...
Tropical Cyclones Facts for UPSC Prelims Tropical cyclones are called by different names in different regions given below: Hurricane – Atlantic Typhoon – Western Pacific and the South China Sea Willy-Willies – Western Australia Cyclone – Indian Ocean ...
In short, there’s no doubt of the obvious fact that going underground thwarts fire, cyclones, and meteor strikes. But the progression of the three oak sisters toward shrinking aboveground and increasing belowground also goes hand in hand with decreasing habitat quality in terms of water and nut...
12. Solomon Islands has a tropical climate with a warm season from December to May. From November to April strong winds and cyclones can be expected. Attraction of the Solomon Islands 13. The Solomons have many attractions. Honiara has many museums, landmarks and war memorials. ...
14. Vanuatu has a tropical climate with two main seasons. The colder months are from May to September. The months from October to April are hot and humid. December to April are the most rainy months, sometimes with cyclones. The water temperatures in Vanuatu range between 22°C/ 72°F in...