Firmosses Quick Facts Plant description Also known by the common names toothed or fir clubmoss, this genus is one of the oldest plants on the planet, for it grew 390 million years ago when tree forms of clubmoss reached heights of 100 feet (30 m). Now growing to about 12 inches (30 ...
A cooling shift in the climate restructured the flora of the environment, causing most of the substantial plant life to recede and leaving room for only small plants like mosses and lichen. Large herbivores over roughly 100 pounds were unable to find enough food. As humans expanded and hunted...
(700 metres) in theTrondheimregion. Even in the thickest spruce woods the ground is carpeted with leafy mosses and heather, and a rich variety of deciduous trees—notably birch, ash, rowan, and aspen—grow on even the steepest hillsides. Thebirchzone extends from 3,000 to 3,900 feet (...
Lycophyte, class of spore-bearing vascular plants, comprising more than 1,200 extant species. The class comprises three orders: the club mosses (Lycopodiales), the quillworts (Isoetales), and the spike mosses (Selaginellales). Learn about the taxonomy, l
Scientists believe that in addition to grasses and sedge, the woolly rhinoceros probably ate foods such as artemisia, mosses, shrub sprouts, lichen, and other herbaceous plants. Habitat The woolly rhinoceros lived during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs, during the time of the ice age, from ...
The flora of the coastal area is better known than that of the interior. It consists of some 4,000 species of ferns and seed plants and a large number of mosses, weeds, and mildews. About nine-tenths of Suriname’s area is covered withheterogeneousforest consisting of more than 1,000 ...
Tundra, a cold region of treeless level or rolling ground found mostly north of the Arctic Circle or above the timberline on mountains. Tundra is known for large stretches of bare ground and rock and for patchy mantles of low vegetation such as mosses, l
Lower vascular plant, any of the spore-bearing vascular plants, including the ferns, club mosses, spike mosses, quillworts, horsetails, and whisk ferns. Modern studies have shown that, as a group, the plants are not evolutionarily related. Learn about lo
(−40 °C) in the winter. Vegetation consists mostly oflichensandmosses; the only trees are the tiny polar willow and the dwarf birch. Animal life includespolar bear,reindeer, andArctic fox(both blue and white). In addition, themusk oxwas imported fromGreenlandin 1929.Seals,walruses,...
with patches of hardier vegetation such as low-growing willows higher up. The alpine zone above the timberline (about 7,550 feet [2,300 metres]) supports mosses, lichens, and some low shrubs in its lower reaches, but much of theterrainthere consists of bare rock and ice. A large variety...