Continuing my series onthe most interesting facts about China, I’d like to look at a few of my favorite pieces of trivia involving China’s history, as well as its culture and traditions. All facts are followed by their source. Please feel free to use these facts yourself – and if po...
Capital City: Beijing National Flag: Five-Stars-Red-Flag Location: middle and East Asia, bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean Territorial Seas: the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea Climate: mainly continental monsoon climate (Tibet: vertical climate...
shek. Chiang took hispolitical party, government, military, and anyone able to flee at the time to Taiwan. However, more Chinese arriving during that period hailed from southern coastal China than from other parts of the mainland. Mainland Chineseconstituteabout 15 percent of Taiwan’s population...
Flag colors: red with five golden stars National day: 1 October - in 1949 the People's Republic of China was formed National symbols: dragon and giant panda National colours: red and yellow National anthem: 'March of the Volunteers'Chinese...
Thus the EU is the third largest population after China and India. The EU is about half the size in land area than the USA.7. Smallest country of the EU by land area and population is Malta.Reichstag - German parliament buildings in Berlin8. Largest city in the EU: Berlin in Germany ...
The Golden State is known for its unique history and unconventional spirit, but these interesting facts about California will surprise you.
who both played national league basketball in china and hong kong. cheung's dad was originally hoping to train his son to be a basketball star when he was young, but he soon discovered cheung's passion for fencing after taking him to a lesson. as a result of his hard work and support...
The largest city of Egypt is Cairo. About 21 million people live in the metropolitan area of Egypt's capital city. Cairo is the second largest city on the African continent - after Lagos in Nigeria. Cairo is located at the Nile river ...
The country's main trading partners are China, Germany, Netherlands, Belarus and the USA. Russian flag - President Putin The Russian Federation is one of theBRICScountries. The BRICS are an association of the world's major emerging economies and includeBrazil, Russia,India,ChinaandSouth Africa....