Did you know broken heart syndrome is real? Super stressful events, like a death or a divorce, can trigger chest pain. Spooky but true. If doctors removed your ticker, it would keep beating for a little while, thanks to its own electrical system. Heard about the guy who lived with ...
More about heart circulation 'Breakthrough' stem-cell patches stabilized woman's heart as she awaited transplant Diagnostic dilemma: A woman got 'broken heart syndrome' after eating too much wasabi Latest 2nd form of bird flu detected in US cows See more latest Most Popular 10 stunning ancient...
Research has provided evidence that intense, traumatizing events, such as a breakup, divorce, loss of a loved one, physical separation from a loved one, or betrayal, can cause real physical pains in the area of one’s heart. This condition is called theBroken Heart Syndrome. Deep emotional ...
Diagnostic dilemma: A woman got 'broken heart syndrome' after eating too much wasabiThe patient was diagnosed with takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as "broken heart syndrome," which had an unusual cause.Livescience How did Alexander the Great die?Alexander the Great died at age 32, but his...
Fifty Important Facts About Having Asperger Syndrome/”Mild” Autism: 1)The rest of you are weird.Weare completely normal. 2)You definitely know a few autistic people. Maybe you don’t know it, but you do. Maybe they don’t know it either. We’re 1% of the general population, which ...
Here in Canada, there have been about 9000 deaths reportedly due the COVID-19. However, 81% of deaths have resulted in long term care facilities. Reply I CAN NOT AGREE MORE.THIS IS A NONSENSE’’EVERYTHING ‘’OF COURSE THERE IS AN AGENDA WITH THIS ‘’PLANDEMIC’’UNFORTUNALY MOST PEO...
The deadly nightshade plant, or belladonna, is extremely poisonous. It contains atropine, a potentially dangerous chemical that has some important medical uses.
It contains a combination of neurotoxins, which are toxic to the nervous system, and cardiotoxins, which can be damaging to the heart. The sting of the Irukandji jellyfish is often followed by a reaction known as Irukandji syndrome. It can include severe back and abdominal pain, nausea, ...
More about heart circulation 'Breakthrough' stem-cell patches stabilized woman's heart as she awaited transplant Diagnostic dilemma: A woman got 'broken heart syndrome' after eating too much wasabi Latest Labord's chameleon: The color-changing lizard that drops dead in 4 months See more latest...
More about heart circulation 'Breakthrough' stem-cell patches stabilized woman's heart as she awaited transplant Diagnostic dilemma: A woman got 'broken heart syndrome' after eating too much wasabi Latest 'Extraordinary' timber circle discovered in Denmark is roughly the same age as Stonehenge See ...