The Amazon river is the world's second longest river. It is about 6,400 km/ 4,000 miles long. The river flows through neighbouring countries Peru, Colombia and enters the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil. Amazon rainforest in Brazil The Amazon rain forest is the largest rainforest in the world. ...
The U.S. President resides in the White House building where there are also the offices of the president since 1800.White House in Washington D.C.USA Facts | USA PeopleThe USA are home to people of all different ethnic groups, different religions and different mother tongues. About 67% of...
Our Turkey Facts for Kids will provide fun facts about Türkiye for kids about the transcontinental country, Turkiye's landmarks and people, animals, food and much more
The largest city of Egypt is Cairo. About 21 million people live in the metropolitan area of Egypt's capital city. Cairo is the second largest city on the African continent - after Lagos in Nigeria. Cairo is located at the Nile river Egypt is the country with the most Arab speaking peopl...
The country's main trading partners are China, Germany, Netherlands, Belarus and the USA. Russian flag - President Putin The Russian Federation is one of theBRICScountries. The BRICS are an association of the world's major emerging economies and includeBrazil, Russia,India,ChinaandSouth Africa....
Flag of the Sámi people The Sámi people are Finland's indigenous people. Some of the Sámi also live in Sweden, Norway and Russia and their population counts in total about 75,000 people. Did you know that the Sámi people are the only recognised indigenous people in the EU area?
Iguazu Falls:Located on the border between Argentina and Brazil, about ⅔ of the waterfalls belong to Argentina. These waterfalls are among the largest waterfalls in the world and stretch over 2.7 km/ 1.6 miles. The falls are actually a series of 275 falls. ...
On the map you can see the neighbouring countries and the location of the country's capital city Rabat. Map of Morocco Spain lies across the Straits of Gibraltar to the North of the country.Please see further info about Western Sahara and this map under Page Resources below. ...
Bolivia is located to the southwest ofBraziland shares borders withArgentina,Paraguay,Chileand Peru. The longest border is shared with Brazil though. Bolivia covers about the same land area as Ethiopia, or is twice as big as Spain. Bolivia is less than three times the size of the state of...
New Zealand's first or indigenous people, are the Maori people. They make up about 15% of New Zealand's population today. Most of the Maori people live in the region of Rotorua. There you can visit traditional villages and attend Maori cultural performances. ...