Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is a traditional British celebration held annually on 5th November. It is a night filled with fireworks and bonfires and is a more »
Learn about Guy Fawkes Night with its history and traditions in English culture. Discover Bonfire Night and how it is a yearly memorial on the 5th...
Halloween traditions have stemmed from Samhain traditions, one being to have a large bonfire. The word bonfire comes from the Samhain tradition of a “bone fire.” To mark the end of summer, a bonfire would be made, on which bones and cuttings from crops were thrown on top to ensure a ...
Guy Fawkes’ Night Celebrates the Foiling of the Gunpowder Plot to Blow Up the Palace of Westminster Bonfire nightis celebrated all across the country – there are lots of brilliant displays in London (Brockwell Park is our favourite).
students to learn about Guy Fawkes who was one of the English Catholics responsible for the Gunpowder Plot in London, 1605. Every year, the people of Britain remember Guy Fawkes and his failed attempts to blow up the Houses of Parliament on ‘Bonfire Night’, which is celebrated on November...
Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance, and tell fortunes. During the colonial America, halloween celebrations were limited to New England due to Protestant beliefs. It was only common in...
(just south of Athlone), the location of this 182-metre tall hill is exceptional in the fact that 22 counties, two-third of Ireland, can be seen from the top. In medieval times, the hill was the site of the main bonfire of the Beltane festival (1st May), symbolising the beginning ...
(for Easter), a green four leafed clover (for St. Patrick’s Day), a red heart (for Valentines Day), and a red and white and blue firework that can only be seen at the very beginning for just a few seconds. This door could be for American Independence Day or British Bonfire Night...
Bonfire night is celebrated annually in Killarney, Australia. Canada In celebration of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, locals of Quebec light up bonfires every June 24th. Bonfire night is celebrated in Newfoundland and Labrador. Czech Republic “Burning the Witches” is a festival in the Czech Republic...
They are characterized as more civil than satyrs and love to dance around the bonfire at night playing their flute, but occasionally they play drums and lutes as well. Fauns are generally loyal to the Kings and Queens of Narnia, including Aslan. They are described as hospitable, friendly, ...