From the rumors about his personal life to his personal demons, James Dean was a bad boy to remember. Flickr, Insomnia Cured Here 1. Momma’s Boy Dean's childhood may have been one of the most heartbreaking of all the actors on this list. When he was just nine years old, Dean's ...
world reserves of almost all commodities are greater now than they were 50 or 100 years ago.[109] [110] * Estimates of world cobalt reserves almost tripled from 1973 to 2015, despite more than two million metric tons of cobalt (80% of the 1973 estimate) being mined during that period...
While the survey left us guessing, various studies have indicated that men tend to fantasize more about being with two women, rather than sharing sexual encounters with another man. But, ladies, it's critical to recognize that a fantasy is just that—a daydream, not an expectation or ...
Quite a sombre interesting fact about Cambodia is that it has a very young population with aroundone-third of its population younger than 15 years oldand a distinct lack of people over the age of 50. During the terrible Khmer Rouge rule under Pol Pot in 1975-79, around 2-3 million of ...
Ebooks are with us for 50 years. Time to celebrate! Most interesting facts about ebooks and audiobooks 1 The first ebook in the world was released on July 4, 1971. It is the US Declaration of Independence. In 1971, passionate technologist and futurist Michael Stern Hart, inspired by a fre...
Facts About Newborn Milestones Newborns are productive little creatures! By month three, your baby will have changed, developed, and learned so much. Here are eight exciting trivia tidbits about infant milestones. First-week milestones:Within the first week of being born, your baby relies on you...
For about two years, female reptiles carry and look after their babies, making sure they are safe and well-fed. Though they are seen as ferocious predators, they are known to be very nurturing toward their offspring. Babies grow about a foot per year, so they are good-sized predators by...
You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80. ” There are many myths about aging. Here are some of the more common myths and the facts. Myth 1: Most older people are in poor health. Fact 1: Not so. There are neither biological nor physiological reasons to connect poor ...
A young Swazi girl has a greater than 80% chance of dying from AIDS in her lifetime.[16] In Swaziland, the chance of a 15-year-old boy living to 50 years is 28%. For a girl it is just 22%. Before AIDS, it was 92% and 97%, respectively.[16] ...
$100 bill: 9 years Coins: 30 years #7. You can make your worn out money crisp again. Before a bill tears, it takes about 4,000 double folds (first forward and then backward). You canrestore the life of your bill somewhat by ironing it. ...