The aye-aye is an omnivorous animal that feeds on both other animals and plant matter, moving about high up in the trees and under the cover of night. Males are known to cover distances of up to 4km a night in their search for food, feeding on a variety of fruits, seeds, insects,...
Welcome to Fact Animal. We showcase astonishing, weird, and unusual facts about animals, that will make yousmile. Did you know a blue whale’stonguecan weigh as much as anadult elephant? Find more interesting and funanimal facts, by browsing our site. Narwhal Facts Pangolin Facts Aye-Aye ...
Aye-aye facts, pictures, video and information. The aye-aye, a unique lemur native to Madagascar, is a fascinating animal shrouded in mystery and superstition. Characterized by its distinctive features, including large, bat-like ears and a long, thin middle finger, the aye-aye has adapted rem...
The Aye aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is the world's largest nocturnal primate. It lives in the east coast forests of Madagascar, tapping the trees for grubs (beetle larvae), then gnawling a hole to stick its elongated (sometimes three times lon...
最佳动物真相奖(True Facts Animal Awards)- A Lost LadyBug, Creepiest Dave & Much More 13:02 关于鲨鱼的奇怪适应力(The Curious Adaptations of Sharks) 15:03 关于大象(Elelphants)的真相 16:05 关于鱼吸食(Fish That Suck)的真相 13:01 珊瑚礁是种疯狂的动物!(Reef Coral is a Crazy Animal!
11 Facts Most People Don't Know About Aye-Ayes, The Creepiest Of All Primates Meet The Long-Eared Jerboa―Part Rabbit, Part Mouse, Part Kangaroo And 100% Majestic 15 Amazing Facts About Manatees - The Sea Cows Of Our Hearts 16 Reasons The Pangolin Is The Most Badass Animal You've Nev...
The aye-aye is the world’s largest nocturnal primate. This endangered animal hunts using echolocation. By tapping on trees, it is able to tell from the sound if food is present under the bark. You can find out more about the aye-aye on this page:Aye-Aye Facts ...
10 Facts About Lemurs In 2009 a coup resulted in a corrupt government and the ensuing chaos was very destructive to the environment, particularly with the illegal logging trade. Thankfully, in 2013, a new democratically elected government was formed, with a president who is enthusiastic about ...
This Is The Smallest, Most Adorable Hoofed Animal You've Never Heard Of 9 Facts That Will Absolutely Ruin Your Perception of Koalas 12 Fascinating Things You Might Not Know About Gelada Baboons 11 Facts Most People Don't Know About Aye-Ayes, The Creepiest Of All ...
The aye-aye is a startling and strange looking animal, with rough-textured, shaggy grey fur, huge eyes and ears, and curious specialized fingers.Like nocturnal woodpeckers, they use their long bony finger to tap on branches,locating grubs under the bark and spearing them out with their special...