Now complete the table.现在完成表格。Facts about Australia于 的Name Sydney Oper a House Great Barrier Reef(1)名字悉尼歌剧院大堡礁Location Sydney(2)(3)位置悉尼Details a special huge rock(4)(5)细节一块特别的大岩石 相关知识点: 试题来源: ...
side of holiday planning. There’s also a practical side, which is just as important to ensure your time in Australia is as hassle-free and harmonious as possible. From visa information to packing tips and accommodation details, here are the key facts about Australia to help you on your ...
Now complete the table.Facts about Australia Sydney Great Barrier Name[1]C DP ber a House Reef Location2Sydney3 a special Details[4]5huge rock 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 [1] Ayers Rock [2] central Australia [3] off the northeast coast of Australia [4] like a huge sailing boat [5]...
Australia is perhaps the most fascinating country on the planet. The sheer collection of its treasures is endless. From spectacular natural wonders to mind-blowing historical sights, this nation-continent never ceases to amaze. It is no wonder that Australia is a magnet for adventurers, explorers,...
Australia, officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia, is an Oceanian country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. Click to see our fact file or download our comprehensive works
Now complete the table.Facts about Australia Sydney Great Barrier Name(1)Oper a House Reef Location(2)Sydney(3) a special Details(4)(5)huge rock 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 (1)Ayers Rock (2)central Australia (3)off the northeast coast of Australia (4)like a huge sailing boat (5)over...
Adelaide: the main city in South Australia is home to about half a million people. Adelaide is surrounded by fertile agricultural land and wine regions. Did you know that Adelaide is also known for one of the largest Christmas parades in the world?Annual...
【题目】Now complete the table.Facts about Australia Sydney Great Barrier Name (1)Oper a House Reef Location (2) Sydney (3) a special Details (4) (5)huge rock 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 【解析】 (1) Avers Rock. (②)central Australia (3) off the northeast coast of Australia (4) ...
Australia is also one of the largest countries on the planet, at over 7.5 million square kilometers. To Australia's north are East Timor, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia, while New Zealand is to the southeast. Facts About Australia Aboriginal explorers entered Australia ...
•Australiaissometimescalled “Kangarooland”,“ThelandofWattle” (акация),“Theluckycountry”or“Down Under” •ThemainmountainchainistheGreatDividing Range(БольшойВодораздельныйхребет) whichisknownas“theAustralianAlps”. ...