Fringing reefsform borders along shorelines and grow toward the sea from the shore. Barrier reefs form parallel to shore but are separated from it by a lagoon. Atollsare reefs that continue to grow upward after the island they surround has sunk. Other types of reefs are bank reefs, which h...
Seychelles: Indian Ocean Islands The islands were formed either on granite or are the tops of coral reefs of the Mascarenes. Most of the islands are granitic. The granitic islands include Mahé, Praslin, La Digue and Silhouette. There are two UNESCO world heritage sites on the islands: Valle...
24. Coral reefs surround the islands. The reefs are home to 20 marine mammal species and just over 500 fish species but the habitat suffers from overfishing and heat stress due to climate change. Brittle star in Kiribati waters - image by Robert Szymanski Sadly the Kiribati islands only have ...
There are about 129 species of butterfly tropical marine fish but many are found in the reefs of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans. Butterfly fish look a lot like angelfishes but they don’t have the preopercle spines that gill covers. Some members of the Henniochus look a ...
The permanent population of Bora Bora is quite small, with less than 9000 residents as of 2008. The majority of residents live in Vaitape, found on the western edge of the main island. Tupai, the largest atoll, has a number of coconut plantation workers, but no permanent population. While...
But the state officially recognizes 137 islands. These include four islands of theMidway Atoll. So, is Hawaii a state or an island? It’s actually both. Hawaii is the moniker for the Aloha state as well as for its largest island, the Big Island. ...
Transportation: Railways:0 km.Roadways:total: 670 km (2011 est.).Waterways:small network of canals, totaling 5 km, in Line Islands.Ports and terminals:Betio (Tarawa Atoll), Canton Island, English Harbor.Airports:19. International disputes:none. ...
It is said that the Philippines has the 3rd largest reef area and the most diverse coral reefs. An sq m of a healthy coral reef produces 1-5 kg of white sand annually. The Coral Reefs in the West Philippines Sea cover about 4,640 km2 and are an important source of tourism since many...
13. Nauru is a raised coral atoll and an island that once was rich in phosphate rock. Phosphate rock 14. The natural mineral Phosphate is found right under the rock surface, however, the mineral was exploited already in the 1990s so there are hardly any phosphate deposits left. The soil ...
The Hawaiian archipelago is made up of 132 islands, reefs, atolls, shoals, and seamounts in the North Pacific Ocean. It spans over 1,500 miles (2,400 km) from the island of Hawaii in the southeast to Kure Atoll in the northwest. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean about 2,000 mil...