Although symptoms of mental illness differ depending on the type of illness and seriousness of the problem, common symptoms of mental health issues include changes in sleeping and eating habits, social withdrawal, feelings of hopelessness, anger, and prolonged sadness, suicidal thoughts, and substance...
All the facts about herpes and oral sex Emotional side of herpes Herpes may raise strong emotional issues, especially in the first few weeks or months after a diagnosis. Some people initially feel embarrassment, shame, anger, or depression. The good news is that these emotions tend to fade aw...
The struggle for LGBTQ rights dates at least as far back as 1924 and accelerated in the wake of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising.
Chicago, the Supreme Court ruled (5 to 4) that government cannot fine someone for speech that “stirs the public to anger, invites dispute, brings about a condition or unrest, or creates a disturbance.” Citing earlier court decisions, the majority ruled: The right to speak freely and to ...
"At his funeral today, which packed the church, many people who knew him well said that he'd decided to live not in anger over what happened but in forgiveness. May God rest his soul." Fr. Kaucheck was indeed a fighter. As we reported back in 2017, Kaucheck sued SNAP for defamation...
over, however, agents from Baldwin-Felts cornered the accused outside of the Welch Courthouseand gunned down Sid Hatfield and Edward Chambers in front of their families. This tragedy sums up the level of extreme tension and anger felt on both sides of the struggle for rights in West Virginia...
As a child, you may have felt terror due to parental abuse or anger due to your parents’ divorce. These terrible feelings might remain unseen for an extended period. And, if we don’t recognize them, our sentiments might fester and harm our mental health. If you believe this is the ...
My biggest problem now is anger and trauma. While learning about this relieved quite a bit of guilt and self loathing I had been carrying about for decades, it added the burden of attempting to address behaviors that hurt other people in my lives. People can accept “innocent” social mistak...
Because JFK was wearing a back brace due to his own major back issues. A back brace changed the world. Always find it so interesting that so much of life for the world writ large hinges on these rando choices we all make. Then again, I should probably think longer about some of the ...
About 20% of respondents in the 2020 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) reported taking psychotropic drugs.2 How Psychotropics Work Psychotropic drugs help control symptoms of mental illness such as mood swings, explosive anger,hallucinations and delusions, and other issues that can interfere wit...