9. The Ancient Greeks had lots of stories to help them learn about their world. The gods featured heavily in these tales, and so did mythological monsters – like Cerberus, a three-headed dog that guarded the gates to the underworld; Medusa, a slithery sorceress whose look could turn peopl...
Then check out ourAncient RomeandAncient Greecefeatures. Plus, discover more amazing facts from around the world inNational Geographic Kids magazine! Image credits: Egypt map: National Geographic Maps. Mosque in Egypt: Rraheb, Dreamstime. Man pouring juice, Cairo, Egypt: Jackmalipan, Dreamstime....
Take a look at these amazing history facts for kids, from Ancient Egypt to the RMS Titanic! Hop in a time machine and explore these fascinating facts!
For ancient Egyptians, religion was their link to the divine. The presence of intricate architectural designs implied the significance of gods and goddesses to ancient Egyptian life. The actions and roles of the deities in human life were often depicted in Egyptian mythology. Myths about the concep...
Was pharaoh considered a god? Egyptian pharaohs were considered gods in human form in the Early Kingdom era. By the Middle and Late Kingdoms of Egypt, the pharaohs were considered the direct link between commoners and the gods.What Is a Pharaoh? A pharaoh is an ancient Egyptian ruler. They...
The ancient world was a fascinating place full of history and incredible stories. From the great pyramids of Egypt to the mysterious lost city of Atlantis, the ancient world has more »
In this lesson, we will explore Egyptian food from ancient times to today by learning about the Nile River and Egyptian agriculture. Eat in Egypt! Close your eyes and imagine Egypt. You may see pyramids, mummies, maybe even ancient gods. You will likely imagine hot, dry deserts full of ...
Ancient Greece Facts For Kids Read our fun facts about Ancient Greece and be sure to take our quiz to test your knowledge at the end of this article. Learn all about Ancient Greece, the Greeks, Spartans, their customs and the amazing history of Greece! N
Greek historian Herodotus dubbed Egypt as the “Gift of the Nile” since the flooding of the Nile River every year keeps the desert fertile and nourished. The 365 day calendar we have now was created by the Egyptians to keep track of the annual Nile River floodings. Many gods and deities ...
The Mayan people regarded them as vessels of the Gods. Famous conqueror Napolean Bonaparte was once attcked by a horde of bunnies The last queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, wasn’t born in Egypt. She was a descendant of Alexander the Great’s Macedonian general Ptolemy....