The issue of "moderation" applies to that which is good."Abstinence" applies to that which is harmful to your health or mind. Alcohol is harmful to your health and mind, especially those of the young people.Pete Seeger
Today I share an interesting video about alcohol. If you have a few minutes spare, check out these twenty-one amazing facts about alcohol!
Beyond the changing preferences in the market, alcohol consumption, as a whole, has decreased. Younger consumers are leading this change, just as they are elsewhere in the world. Show more - Description Published by Jan Conway, Jul 18, 2024...
25. When both a man and a woman weighing precisely the same amount of alcohol, the woman tend to have a higher blood alcohol content as their bodies have less water to dilute it. Above are most interesting facts about alcohol use and alcohol abuse which you might not know. Do you know ...
Non-alcoholic beers average about 94 percent less alcohol and 58 percent fewer calories then regular beer. In 1985 there were fewer than 50 beer brewers in the US. Today there are over 28000. Alcohol consumption causes inflammatory chemicals called Cytokins to be overproduced by our bodies. Thi...
alcohol. Consider this your guide to cocktail consumption done right. More From Cosmopolitan Booze Bummers Alcohol makes you feel good because it releases the chemical dopamine, which boosts activity in the pleasure-seeking area of the brain. That's why it's so tempting to keep drinking. Your...
National Audit Office briefing on alcohol consumption and harm and alcohol treatment services. Alcohol/Drugs/Gambling alcohol treatment, National Audit Office Share This Post Alcohol Treatment - the facts The National Audit Office has just (21 February 2023) published a briefing on alcohol treatment...
Alcohol consumption is associated with many diseases, such as several types of cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and cardiovascular diseases. The death rate due to alcohol use in the United States has increased over the past couple decades, and although drinking rates among adolescents and younger ...
Among adolescents who consume alcohol, 90% of alcohol consumption is in the form of binge drinking. Furthermore, those who drink underage consume larger quantities of alcohol in one sitting when compared to adults. This Season, Give Yourself the Gift of a Fresh Start. Whether you are ...
Social factors relate to alcohol consumption. It is a reason for a person’s vulnerability to alcohol abuse. People with more money to spare are surely to engage in a lot of social activities. That includes splurging money in excessive drinking. ...