Resursi Verzija Azure SDK for Java Pretraži Azure SDK for Java documentation Reference Overview Active Directory Advisor API Center API Management App Compliance Automation App Configuration App Platform App Service Application Insights Arc Data Attestation Authorization Automanage Automation Azure Stack...
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(ICatalogService catalogSvc)=> _catalogSvc = catalogSvc;publicasyncTask<IActionResult>Index(int? BrandFilterApplied,int? TypesFilterApplied,int? page, [FromQuery]stringerrorMsg){varitemsPage =10;varcatalog =await_catalogSvc.GetCatalogItems(page ??0, itemsPag...
2. Can I remotely factory reset my iPhone? Yes, you can remotely factory reset your iPhone using the iCloud – Find My iPhone service. The best part of the Find My iPhone web approach is the user can perform remote factory using any device irrespectively of the platform. 3. Why can’t...
若要打开共享资源,请调用 ID3D11Device1::OpenSharedResource1 或ID3D11Device1::OpenSharedResourceByName 方法。 示例 syntax 复制 HANDLE handle; IDXGIFactory2* pFactory; LUID luid; pFactory->GetSharedResourceAdapterLuid (handle, &luid); UINT index = 0; IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter = NULL; while (...
IConsole[] _SplitRows(IConsole c, params Split[] splits) [Test] public void split_the_window_into_windows_using_provided_splits() { var con = new MockConsole(19, 5); var cols = con.SplitColumns( new Split(9, "left"), new Split(0, "right") ); var left = cols[0]; var ...
I have met an issue seems have been fixed :( software stack info is as follows: Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/appstack/apache-tomcat Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/appstack/apache-tomcat Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/appstack/apache-tomcat/temp Using JRE_HOME: /opt/appstack/java Using CLASSPATH: ...
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