Check your credit score about six months in advance if you plan to make a major purchase, like buying a house or a car, that will require you to take out a loan. This will give you time to correct any possible errors and, if necessary, improve your score. If you have abad creditsc...
One of theworld's largest crypto-asset exchangesis ready for you. Enjoycompetitive fees and dedicated customer supportwhile trading securely. You'll also have access to Binance tools that make it easier than ever to view your trade history, manage auto-investments, view price charts, and make c...
The growing popularity of online shopping means that consumers must determine product quality after they make a purchase decision and receive the product, a situation that is directly related to the issue of consumers’ trust toward retailers. This study analyzes the marginal willingness to pay for ...
We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some...
28 For example, they perceived that the HPV vaccine was manufactured and distributed for profit,24 or developed with the aim to make their daughters sterile.28 Additionally, ethnic minority parents also expressed concerns over its short-term (eg, pain and allergic reactions) and unknown long-term...
Bullying(欺凌) has become a big problem in schools, which has caused serious attention of the society. To know what drives bullying will help to stop it. ①There are many factors that make a child involve in bullying:②Parents are busy with their work, leaving their children alone with the...
The most recent tsunami that affected the eastern Mediterranean Sea dates back to 30 October 2020. This event hit the coasts of Greece, especially the island of Samos and Turkey, particularly the province of Izmir where one person died due to the tsunami [9,32]. Several factors make Italian...
agreeableness, and lower family resolve. Remission was related to a decrease in anxiety and hostility as well as an increase in the emotional stability of adolescents. These findings imply that emotional well-being and family adjustment could be relevant for the effective management of gaming behavior...
Healthy life expectancy: the number of years that a person at a given age can expect to live in good health, taking into account mortality and disability. Summary Exposure Value: the relative risk–weighted prevalence of exposure (developed for Global Burden of Diseases Study 2015). Years lived...
Before I studied psychology , I used to think that funny things make people laugh. While I was right about that, I discovered that there are lots of other psychological factors that make people laugh other than the funny part of a joke. When someone laug