Well-being has been touted for many years as a critical factor in achieving positive outcomes for students in schools across Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and globally. Despite extensive reporting of student well-being concerns, further research is ne
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Primary school children's perspectives on wellbeing and learning are always heard from the teachers' or adults' perspectives. It is seldom that learners are asked about their perspectives when it comes to their wellbeing and learning at school. Research has suggested that childre...
There is limited research into resources that can protect against burnout and promote wellbeing. More longitudinal and qualitative research is needed to support systemic, long-term interventions that will improve the wellbeing of trainees, reduce the prevalence of burnout and ensure optimal patient ...
They also included factors that related to mental health variables (family history, personal history and men- tal health literacy), pre-university factors (childhood trauma and parenting behaviour. University level factors including social isolation, adjustment and engagement with learning. Their ...
and personal growth. More recently, Diener et al. (2010) constructed a more parsimonious 8-item Flourishing Scale (FS) with the aim of providing a broad overview of psychological wellbeing. This scale includes items that cover purpose and meaning of life, positive relationships, engagement and ...
[about] being independent in their tasks of daily living in self-care but being able to find some activities that are meaningful to them and they get personal enjoyment from” (Group 2). The relationship between physical and psychosocial benefits appeared to be reciprocal, in that psychosocial ...
An extensive review of recent literature uncovered factors that can be readily categorized as external and internal to the doctoral student; external factors include supervision, personal/social lives, the department and socialization, and financial support opportunities, while internal factors motivation, ...
the pleasure, value, and the fulfillment their work brings to them. It can be imagined that one cannot work well when the job is hated by him and he also cannot do a good job in a terrible environment. So job satisfaction and work environment are both important factors that impact their...
Personal Characteristics Table 2 demonstrates that the age of the survey participants is well distributed, with each age bracket sufficiently represented. The highest proportion of participants is between 25 and 35 years of age (35%). The gender of the participants is split reasonably evenly, with...
The degree of cause is a function that represents the degree of cause and effect of an element in a system.If the value is positive, this factor has a greater impact on other factors; If the value is negative, the factor is greatly affected by other factors. As Table7and Fig.2illustrat...