Here, for the first time, we show that resource outcomes of a single-player game involving a dynamic resource are moderated by self-reported mental health experiences and delay-discounting rates (as a generic risk factor). In two experiments with large sample sizes, including one direct replicati...
The results showed that, rather than communication frequency, management communication style was significantly related to worker cognitive failure; specifically, communication style was related to perception of convenience and self-capacity, which could be upstream factors explaining unsafe behavior at the ...
The results suggest that important organizational factors, in addition to job design and engineering systems, may be overlooked when identifying the causes of workplace accidents. Such factors include early socialization, and the need to portray a positive image. Impact on Industry: The implications ...
Is it true that that viruses are not bad in themselves, but cause genetic mutations that can be either bad (i.e., they cause illness) or good (evolution)? The presence of beneficial bacteria increases the likelihood that ne...
Our findings show that tool support for design comprehension is the only factor that does not affect the human perception of god class. The other factors impact this perception in some way. Conclusion The area still needs more investigation and discussion on what we call thecode smell conceptualiz...
For robots that must navigate through crowded public spaces, scientists and engineers could incorporate algorithms for maintaining adequate personal space and that account for the impact of distractions and pedestrian mobility constraints. Embedding these human behavioural models could enable more seamless ...
Two studies [56] found that those with autism had a low but statistically significant association with poor social problem-solving skills and depression. Mental health history Three studies [47, 51, 68] investigated mental health variables and their impact on mental health of students in higher ...
What are the three key factors that influence species richness in an ecosystem? What would be the ecological impact on planet earth if snakes became extinct? What difference would it make if the southern sea otter became extinct primarily because of human activitie...
whose operation is governed by the performance of a specific task. Human factors are related primarily to the aspect of the man-machine interaction that is specified by human activity. The correct combination of human abilities and machine capabilities substantially improves the effectiveness of a man...
How does the structure of an organization impact employee behavior and workplace productivity? Identify 10 theories that have influenced the practice of human resources management. Name four external factors that have an influence on business. Give examples of the ways in which ...