Factors of a number are the exact divisor of that number. Learn more about factors, how to find the factors of a number along with the examples, properties, factors in algebra, here at BYJU’S today!
Tracking error is thedivergencebetween the price behavior of a position or a portfolio and the price behavior of a benchmark. This is often in the context of a hedge fund, mutual fund, or exchange-traded fund (ETF) that did not work as effectively as intended, creating an unexpected profit...
The IDF has estimated that the MENA region will have the second-highest growth rate in the number of people with diabetes in the world, projected to increase by 96.2% by 20356. Iran, similar to other countries in the region, has witnessed a comparable trend characterized by urbanization, ...
World Health Organization (WHO) advocated that people wear masks and maintain a “one-meter line” social distance, and schools adopted online teaching, questioning, and tests instead of offline mode during the pandemic22,23. As of 2022, there have been three rounds of COVID-19 outbreaks in ...
Thus, the sum is equal to 1 for the entire set [52]. An advantage of MCA is that it can explain large and complex datasets using information visualization, which can be interpreted by examining the distribution of each group of variables. These groups of variables constitute a cloud. Points...
There is no physical requirement that the threshold value s_0^{2K} should be equal to s_0, we fixed it in an independent way by considering the correlation function in Eq. 1 with KK interpolating. The 2pSRs is then written in terms of the scalar isoscalar kaon form factor, \begin{...
These stronger conditions imply that the model is regular for which we know that the MLE is not only consistent, but also locally asymptotically normal with a variance equal to the inverse observed Fisher information matrix at θ^ with entries [I^(θ^)]a,b=−1n∑i=1n(∂2∂θa∂...
equal in all leaves during the first 3-4 weeks, but there is a substantially higher anthocyanin concentration in apical leaves in older plants. An additional finding is thatPAP2might be responsible for the anthocyanin increase under nutrient-deficient conditions, because its gene expression was ...
Therefore, teachers’ training programs must place equal emphasis on pedagogical skills and technology operations. Thirdly, this study has proved that technology attitudes strongly impacted pre-service teachers’ data literacy, technology operations, and technology ethics, supporting hypotheses H1, H5, and...
Expert knowledge was used to discretize the factor elevation, while the equal-interval discrete method was used to classify other factors. As shown in Fig. 2, the eight continuous variables were discretized into 4–12 intervals through these discretization methods. Geographical detector models This ...