e. Water:Water is the basis of life for all organisms. Water is required for temperature regulation, osmoregulation, and other physiological activities. Rainfall is the main source of water on Earth. Rainfall majorly depends upon the geography of the area, velocity and the direction of the wind...
Therefore, choosing appropriate stocking densities is the key to ensuring the healthy growth of poultry and obtaining high-quality meat. In actual breeding, it is necessary to rationally adjust the breeding density according to the type of poultry, growth stage, and breeding environment to achieve ...
Indiscriminate disposal of dry cell battery (DCB) waste contributes to environmental and public health issues in developing countries such as Ghana, due to
This paper provides global weights (weighting factors) for the three endpoint impact categories (areas of protection (AoPs)) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Life Cycle Initiative’s “Global Guidance for Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicators and Methods” (GLAM) project, namely ...
20 Since the catalytic activity of TGG1 was required for its SWP-inducing activity, we turned our attention to these metabolites. If GSL hydrolysis contributes to SWP elicitation in wounded plants, this process must occur rapidly in the veins of leaves distal to damage sites. It takes less ...
Furthermore, the understanding of the dietary patterns of a population and the sociodemographic factors underlying dietary patterns can be an important tool to design interventions for a change towards healthy dietary patterns through the development and implementation of proper policies and programs, as ...
Throughout the summer and fall of 1985, several day-long sets of foliage temperature measurements were obtained for healthy and potentially transpiring water hyacinth, cotton, and alfalfa plants growing in a sealed and unventilated greenhouse at Phoenix, Arizona, along with concurrent measurements of...
for membrane ruffling and internalization of the bacteria [39]. CiaD was also confirmed to be secreted, and while its presence was not required for the secretion of other Cia proteins, it was shown to mediate invasion of human intestinal epithelial cells, and secretion of the inflammatory ...
From the perspective of pregnant and postpartum mothers, being aware of the essential actions required in case of danger signs during pregnancy is essential for every pregnant woman and improves preparation for childbirth. Some of the issues mentioned by the mothers in this study include how to de...
Hypersensitivity reactions can be elicited by various factors: either immunologically induced, i.e., allergic reactions to natural or synthetic compounds mediated by IgE, or non-immunologically induced, i.e., activation of mediator release from cells thr