Given that boosting inertia makes matter both tend to shrink to denser states and have more gravitational force, an important worldbuilding issue is how far I will let this process go. Using it to help fission or fusion seems fine. Allowing it to squeeze matter into degenerate states or neutro...
[21] 郭肖容.华北夏季暖切变暴雨个例的初步分析.大气科学,1977,(2):256~264 [22] 任振球.时间、空间、质量、能量连乘总守恒假设.科学(重庆),1998,(4):62~64.Zhenqiu R en,Y i L in&Shoucheng O uYang,Con jectu re on law of con serva tionof info rm a tiona l infra structu re.Kybernetes...
Müller, Mechanical stimulation of Piezo1 receptors depends on extracellular matrix proteins and directionality of force. Nano Lett. (2017). Article Google Scholar V. Maruthamuthu, B. Sabass, U.S. Schwarz, M.L. Gardel, Cell-ECM traction force ...
The effectiveness of tidal energy installation depends on the characteristics of the land form. In alluvial plains, the quaternary age of the alluvial plains is more suitable than the hill form volcanic quaternary, tertiary volcanic, and tertiary holokarst.Fahmi Arif Kurnianto...
We finally come to the third set of factors, which are the cosmological factors. Here, the main principle is the role of physical constants (like the speed of velocity, Planck’s constant, etc.) and the strength of the fundamental forces. The fundamental forces are the gravitational force, ...
Several authors [75–77] state that the density of charge introduced by contact depends on the difference between the effective work functions. Estimations show that the maximum depth at which the charge is introduced into the surface by triboelectrification can be several tens of nanometers [76,...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Atmospheric Pressure: Atmospheric pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the weight of the air above a certain point in the Earth's atmosphere. It is the resul
Another important factor that could be the potential reason for coming to different conclusions might be the municipal wastewater composition, which differs region by region and depends on the eating habits of the people of that specific region. However, the effect of this factor is expected to ...
The induction factor depends on the area ratio 𝐴𝐴𝑠/AAs, which can be called the solidity factor of the wing, and on the aerodynamic efficiency. The first inference that can be performed is that if the swept area is largely greater than the wing area such that the induction factor ...
The efficiency of particle assimilation in the pick-up head of regenerative air vacuums usually depends on many factors. Regenerative air sweepers have been found to have a positive effect on particle collection efficiency, due to air recirculation of air in the system. Figure 9 shows the effects...