Very often in the process of solving the problem we have questions that we do not have answers to at the moment. For example, is it possible to place 30 choir singers in several rows so that each row has the same number of singers and none one is left? This question is answered by ...
Additionally, the limited number of risk indices used as input parameters oversimplify the complex pathogenesis of CVD development19 and at best predict 30% of the risk. In the search for identifying new methodologies to optimize the performance of risk prediction, Weng et al. trained machine ...
spending less time in the open arms of the maze (30 cm platforms lacking barriers on each side, comparable to the animal being placed on a diving board 100 cm above the ground)—a positive index of exploration—than control females and an equivalent amount of time to that of control males...
In the realm of high-performance sports, athletes often prioritize success at the expense of their well-being. Consequently, sports psychology researchers are now focusing on creating psychological profiles for athletes that can forecast their performanc
However, the Kongqueting area has rarely been researched, and few studies have been made to sedimentary facies evolution and its controlling factors. Based on drilling and 3D seismic data, microfacies of the Pinghu Formation are carefully described in this paper and the controls of global sea ...
Approximately 1 in 6 patients with cognitive dysfunction may suffer an acute stoke, which leads to a huge financial burden on the family and society[3]. A previous study showed that cognitive dysfunction can be used as a predictor of mortality[4], and an investigation of carotid stenosis ...
Figure 6.Summer temperature and salinity distribution of the surface/bottom seawater The numbers refer to the stations. 下载:全尺寸图片幻灯片 3.2 海水温盐垂向分布特征 虽然调查区不同站位之间水深差别较大,但温度和盐度结构特征在垂向上分布趋势相似(图7)。调查区温度垂直结构表现为自表至底逐渐降低的趋势...
but the determinants of these hormones are not well understood.Cross-sectional analyses of breast cancer risk factors and circulating hormone concentrations in more than 6000 postmenopausal women controls in 13 prospective studies.Concentrations of all hormones were lower in older than younger women, with...
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a leading cause of death worldwide, but age-standardized CVD death rates are decreasing steadily. In this Review, Ezzati and colleagues use the available epidemiological data to examine regional and global changes in
The reason? A large debt encourages inflation, and if inflation is high, the debt will be serviced and ultimately paid off with cheaper real dollars in the future.6 In the worst-case scenario, a government may print money to pay part of a large debt, but increasing the money supply inevi...