Through interviews and analysis, the research proposes a theoretical framework of factors influencing the organisational efficiency about smart-logistics ecological chains led by an e-commerce platform. First, it reveals that under e-commerce platform leadership, the smart-logistics ecological chain's ...
Thus, this paper aimed to develop a conceptual framework of factors influencing innovative behaviour of teachers in secondary schools. The research was explored through critical related literature analysis. Findings were presented in form of descriptive analysis, which shows that workplace happiness (WP)...
During this synthesis, intersecting factors influencing research participation were evident across individual, unit, institutional, and external levels, as depicted in the Ecological Model of Health Behaviour, and were mapped accordingly (Table 2).41 This model is typically employed to analyze health ...
(2010). Factors Influencing the Implementation of Green Productivity Practices and its Effect on the Organisational Performance: A Comparison Study Between EMS 14001 and ISO 9000 Certified Companies in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 9(2), 45-53....
Factors influencing organisational silencePsychologyMultidisciplinaryOrganisadonal silence is a recendy introduced area of business research that seeks to address why employees fail to express ideas, informadon and op...
Organisational factors influencing implementation of environmental sustainability - Part 1 Planning QuarterlyCRAWFORD, JANLAURIAN, LUCIE
Revealing the screening: organisational factors influencing the recruitment of immigrant professionalsemployee screeningemployment outcomesimmigrant professionalsrecruitmentLittle attention has been paid to factors that influence employers in their recruitment behaviour, especially as it affects immigrants. In order ...
Interprofessional collaboration is essential to maintain high-quality care in long-term care and geriatric rehabilitation. However, little is known regarding perceived factors influencing interprofessional collaboration by people involved in care. This c
Two of the current methodological barriers to implementation science efforts are the lack of agreement regarding constructs hypothesized to affect implementation success and identifiable measures of these constructs. In order to address these gaps, the m
Four levels were defined as the main categories for potential influencing factors: ‘patients’ and ‘healthcare providers’ as social actors whose action (i.e. moment of behaviour) “is ‘social’ insofar as its subjective meaning takes account of the behaviour of others and is thereby oriented...