Factors Influencing Occurrence and Species Richness of Heronries in the Wetlands of Tamil Nadu, IndiaNesting colonyHeterogeneityWaterbirdsDisturbanceTamil NaduWetland dependent tree nesting colonial waterbirds select wetlands that enhance breeding opportunities to increase their reproductive fitness. From ...
Social Factors Influencing Utilization of Old Age Homes by Elderly in Urban Area of South Chennai, Tamil Nadu Background: Currently, most old age homes in India are completely occupied. Nowadays, nuclear families are more than joint families, and due to various fac... S Pandian,S Naik,U Ram...
The present study presents a survey based approach to find the relationship between the factors which influence the purchasing behavior and preference of customers with respect to these markets in Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu, India.doi:10.3923/ibm.2013.84.90Shakeel-Ul-Rehman...
Based on the findings, implications were drawn for the extension agencies involved in promotion of rabbit farming.D. Puthira PrathapK.A. PonnusamySocial Science Electronic PublishingPuthira D Prathap and K A Ponnusamy (2006): Factors influencing the attitude of farmers of Tamil Nadu, India ...
This study provides insights into factors influencing implementation of PDAs from a developing country, a setting which is scarcely reported. The factors revealed in our study are not too different from those commonly reported in the western countries such as lack of SDM culture [25–27], time ...
In the agricultural industry, the implementation of green fertilizer technology (GFT) for the modern development of environmentally friendly technology is a necessity. Within the Malaysian agriculture sector, the GFT application is needed to increase production levels among all crops. One of the ...
Factors influencing the use of topical steroid based medications in tinea infection in a tertiary care centre, TamilnaduBackground Steroid modified tinea has become the worst nightmare to the society which delays the access to the proper treatment and sometimes leaves permanent mark on the user. ...
The present study tries to find out the factors that influence the choice of language in bilinguals. It also looks into the contexts where college students code mix and their attitude towards mixing English in Tamil. This study also investigates the reasons behind college students' mixing of two...
This would also reflect on the factors which so far have been recognized to be influencing India’s economic growth and income inequality. 2 Empirical literature In a pioneering work, Barro (1991) observed that the per capita growth rate of countries is positively associated with human capital ...
Factors Influencing the Work Participation of the Elderly Persons in Tamil Nadu: Evidence from BKPAI, 2011Shivshankar, Tiwari MahalaxmiAudinarayana, N.Indian Journal of Gerontology