Factors influencing career choice: experience from GP Career Start in County DurhamGPs two years after completing vocational training want to work in supportive practices - but as non-principalsBregazzi RHarrison JEducation for Primary Care
What Are the Factors Influencing Customers Restaurant Choice? is our common ground‚ a universal experience. James A. Beard Introduction This report aims to identify what are they key aspects that influence customer‘s restaurantchoice. From a number of researchers (Auty‚ 1992; Namkung & Jang...
chosefamilyasthemostimportantfactorinfluencingtheirchoiceofmajor.However,21%of thestudentschose“acareerthatispersonallyrewarding”and20%chose“FFA/4-Hexperience” asthemostimportantfactorsaffectingtheirchoice.FFAplayedabiggerroleinchoosinga majorthan4-H.Farmingbackgroundandthesizeofschoolsdidnotplayaroleinchoosin...
Factors Influencing Career Choices of Management Students in India available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1362-0436.htm CDI 13‚4 Factors influencing career choice of management students in India Tanuja Agarwala Faculty of Management Studies‚ University of Delhi‚ Delhi‚ India Abstract Purpos...
Factors Influencing Career Choice of Female Surgical TraineesIncreasing numbers of female medical graduates and consistently low levels of female entry into some specialities such as surgery continue to spark debate and have prompted a considerable body of research....
This paper discusses factors influencing choice of agricultural careers among undergraduate students in an African University context with particular reference to experiences of students in the School of Agricultural Sciences at Makerere University. The specific objectives are to: establish the factors which...
Self‐administered questionnaires were used to gather data on factors and types of relationships influencing career choice, individualism/collectivism, and protean/conventional career orientation. Findings “Skills, competencies, and abilities” was the most important factor and “father” was the most ...
Objective: The goal of this research was to identify familial and non-familial social factors influencing post-secondary students' choices of career in medicine. Method: The comparative study was conducted in Ajman, among medical students in the beginning three years, and nonmedical ...
The article focuses on factors influencing high school seniors' occupational preferences. The recent view of vocational choice as something more than an intellectual decision at some point in life infers that this is a developmental process and that preference of an occupation is influenced by various...
, to secure positions upon graduation, an investigation was conducted to de termine (a) student choice of career at the sophomore level i n college, (b) stability of such choice during a quarter, and (c) the relative influence of certain course activities on student choice of career. ...